Category Archives: MnRNA covid jab shot vax

Recommended Documentary PREMIERES ONLINE for FREE

Vaxxed III: Licensed to Kill

If you missed this in the theaters, you can sign up for the online premiere here:



Texans for Vaccine Choice recommends new documentary by Children’s Health Defense.

Relevant to our mission but important to the whole family.

Julie Green summarizes our progress:

Dr. Beaudoin covers increase of cancers

“They killed a lot of people.”

“Those who didn’t go to the hospital didn’t die.”

“It was NOT covid. I prove it in the charts.”

“It was the largest life-years lost in the United States in the last 100 years, except WWII. Why is no one talking about that? ”


And, the staple: vaccines and autism:

Great News! We Have Turned the Corner!

Given that this broadcast is focused on overcoming learning problems, and those often are rooted in lack of health, and given that I have mothers listening to care about their families’ health, and given that initially there was little to no good information being published, I felt it was my duty to curate info on the jabs. Finally, things have changed. The guilty, the collaborators, and the timid are now known. The criminals continue to attack, but as the saying goes, “the Truth will Out.”

Certainly, I have received an avalanche of negative rewards al my life, precisely for doing the right things, almost always for failing to deny the Truth. So, even though clearly this ‘cast has been shadow banned, nevertheless, I continued to curate, once I broke silence.

It would be helpful if you, my listeners, would encourage truth tellers. It would help if you amplified those. First, be sure you know where the truth is coming from. There are a few, still, who are confused. And it matters. It matters alot.

Estimate is that 17 million have been murdered by this jab. Many lost their livelihoods. It is not clear to me that any one lost their lives from covid, rather than from hospital protocols.

In this last round, it was the jab that was the more serious bioweapon. Do not assume that to be true next time. Take precautions. Be the health expert and the health prepper for your family.

At this point, I think maybe it is time for GSB:OLP to focus more on its central mission. It is time now that if you want to, you can find out info on your own on the topic of covid/jab/mandates. They were never rooted on science. They were never lawful. You were lied to, with the aim of if not killing you and your children, then at least sterilizing. There are claims that the shedding is not only viral but also nano-technology. So, yes, this could be the Mark of the Beast or a pre-cursor to it. You have to make your own mind up about that.

In any case, while it is today, there is time for repentance. God does do healing miracles. Seek God.


Finally! Someone in Canada is calling out the lawlessness. We saw in Jan/Feb 2021 that the federal executive was entirely lawless and corrupt and more tyrannous than some Eastern European governments from which many now Canadians had fled.  Let’s now see if the Canadian Court System is honest and law abiding and just.

Although, they have a way to go:


Here in the USA, the military is being called to account. New Year’s Day saw the publication of the Declaration of Accountability, signed by 231 officers, calling on others to remember their oath, and naming treasonous flag and general officers. That letter, styled on the Declaration of Independence (but not calling for separation but instead for lawful engagement) has since been signed on to by 18,000 service personell and veterans. It took a few days for this to be reported on, of course only by the independent/MAGA media. Here are some examples, with various levels of explanations, from which, you can find more:


And then, for those who want to deep dive:

I am rejoicing in the efforts, but follow closely, notice we are in dire straits. Take care of your children first. And pray like hell is descending upon you, because it is — still. Do NOT retreat into your eschatalogical hopes. Of course, God wins in the end. When that end comes, and you are judged, and your works are judged, will you be “wicked servant, you did nothing”?

The Largest Health Scandal in the History of our Nation

Because the bulk of my listenership are mothers and educators that care about the health of children, I have done what I could to curate info on the “c*v*-19/jab/bioweapon” conflict.


Robert Barnes, counsel for the Plaintiff, explains some major points about the case of Children’s Health Defense Fund against the FDA. “standing,” discovery, how many deaths and adverse events are there and how do we know?

Highlights of his comments:

  • Redefinition of “vaccine” was illegal labeling because it led people to believe that the jab was an inoculation or immunization, which it was not, Pfizer admitted they hardly tested for that.
  • Standing was invented by the Supreme Court some years ago, against the Right to Plea to the Government for Redress, the number one reason for this Nation separating from Great Britain
  • Probably 17 million deaths from the jab
  • extremely high disability
  • Yes, Nuremburg Code might apply but discussion of this means that we have judicial hostility
  • Whether or not the judiciary does their job, the court of public opinion has reached the point that million of lives of children will be saved

Barnes’ comments on Rumble



Obviously, there would be another side, but a) they haven’t posted their pleadings that I know of and b) there seems to be some lack of truthfulness and straitghtforwardness about that side, and c) that side seems to be in control of the conventional media. Thus, I feel it would not be necessary or useful to try to hunt it down. If you have info to this level of quality, you may post.

Show cause as to why Nuremburg Code might apply*~hmac=fad2d3f7f82d075a15bf0626c815c4f6d942dee6320d64a0fd9308b4529895fd

posting decisions from Amarillo  Maybe available only to members of Locals:*~hmac=c6e96164dcab9ad2e44e6ee5cb5d27e442ac327aeaa77fa4425ba59c05b87213

Posting plea from Brooke Jackson v Pfizer*~hmac=0b97165f8d4136864cd92bdf78c207747985661ab9076ce548a0b7eeef134d71

Whether or not the judiciary does their jobe, the court of public opinion has reached the point that maillion of lives of children will be saved.

Things to Watch for If Your Child Got the Jab — and other articles

Australian Researchers Call for Pause on Gene-Based COVID-19 Vaccines Amid Spike in Excess Deaths – reported in Epoch Times

COVID-19 Vaccines Can Potentially Worsen Cancer: Review – Epoch Times headline — ah, we knew last year that the jab caused a more than 300% spike in deaths from cancer alone

4th Vaccine Dose Showed Negative Relative Vaccine Efficacy Against COVID Death: Stud translated: if you get a 4th dose, you are more likely to get covid, not less