Category Archives: Medicine

Should Children Get the Jab?

Here is what the world’s expert on the jab says: THINK TWICE.   Dr. Malone is the one who invented the mRNA vax.

“He pointed to information compiled on his website, which includes a list of peer-reviewed studies related to COVID-19 vaccine adverse events in children, the main one being myocarditis. The website also includes a collection of adverse events reports as well as death reports in the pediatric community, submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” Epoch Times ibid.

Here is what Dr. Mercola has to say on the matter: NO! More likely to face long-term health risks from the jab than from the disease it purports to address. Mercola says jab bad for children.

Mercola is a well known wellness expert of long standing — rather than a conventional doctor on big pharma or government payroll.

Notice, it is based on the VAERS the official list of adverse affects. I have heard it reported that the VAERS are low; that nurses have been told not to report. I heard Dr. Wakefield says that the adverse affects of this jab are higher than all the adverse affects of all immunizations heretofore recorded.

Notice that there is an typographical error in the Epoch Times article. It says “no previous ideology”, when it means “no previous etiology”. Pretty hilarious under the circumstances.


The CDC says otherwise. But comb thru the article. Do they have evidence? Is Covid-19 dangerous for children? If death rate is less than .001 for adults? With over reporting?  If nearly everyone one who dies has a co-morbidity factor? If proper treatment was denied? Is there any evidence at all about children? Certainly there are no safety trials for kids if not for the vax for adults! Learn to figure out which claims are true.

The only hope to ending the pandemic? Who would be so irresponsible to say such a thing? Someone on a payroll, who didn’t have any knowledge of viruses, who didn’t care who they killed. Notice dates too. After Omicron, does a dangerous vax for the original virus make sense? (And you do know about Farr’s Law.  you do know how effective the flu vax is. You do know how safe other vaxxes have been — and they did have at least some safety testing.) THINK!

Any addressing of the hug spike in menses dis-regulation?

Look for scientific data, not mere comforting assertions! Be worried when you find deception. No-do-overs.


1/20/22 Here is what the chief scientist for the UN says:



Doctor Speaks of Vaccine Risk to Children

Reported in the Epoch Times Newspaper: Doctor Speaks of Vaccine Risk to Children. Doctors and scientists in the know, the ones who know the most about the development of the vaxx so very mandated, warn against giving to children.

Please see this site. Other posts there. Please check out the credentials of the doctor(s) speaking. Notice lack of self-interest.  They are doing what they are doing from motives of good. When doctors like this speak out against vaxxing children, they risk their practice, their friendship network,  their peace a tax time, and possibly even their family’s safety. They are speaking up, contrary to their good, for yours. Don’t just assume this vax is an immunization. Don’t assume that it is safe. Don’t assume it is safe at all for children.

Then please share. Even the most simple, most widely known facts, that could keep people alive in this time are strongly suppressed, not just by the conventional news media and the major tech platforms, but even by the little guys like Next Door. Look, folks, this is serious. It is like we are in a communist country, where anything but the self-serving lies of the elite are vigorously squash. And like a dystopian novel, where the system wants to kill off the majority of the planet. Look, it hangs together. Lots of evidence. It is such so strange it is hard to believe. But once you put the story together, not only do you see more and more evidence now, but you begin to see the sad situations of the past make more sense.

It is not a pretty story. For that reason, some don’t want to look. But, please, do save your kids. Then, turn to Jesus. Jesus the King of Love is also victor. Wickedness will fall. It is a good time to have faith. I recommend doing one’s assignment, rather than spending overmuch time with eschatology/study of the end times. Know your Bible, for sure, but the most important part is that God loves you and yours — and then your response to show forth that love. Family first and then whatever other assignment.

Love and blessings!  Happy Thanksgiving.

comment added 1/11/22

Dr. Malone warns against v*cc!nxting children.






News About Pain Killers- HEART ATTACK RISK AFTER ONE WEEK?!?!?

Very much to our surprise, our “go-to” pain medicine is not safe.  Yes, there is a complicated conversation about which medications to use for children, but older people have been told to take Ibuprofen. Apparently, this is now known to put us at risk of heart attacks!

A meta-analysis means an analysis of many other studies — presumably all that exist on the topic. Being in a peer reviewed journal is practical definition of science. While there may be office politics involved, it is as good as it gets in a practical sense. Peer reviewed means that other scientists reviewed and certified the study as a valid scientific study. Supposedly, without name(s) attached to the original study.

To quote from Life Extension Magazine:

a meta-analysis found the ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) can raise heart attack risk by 48% in less than a week. Ftnt1

Ftn1  Bally M. Dendukuri N, Rich B. et. Al. Osteoarthritis of the knee and hip: a comparison of factors associated with physical activity. Clin Rheumatol. 2007 Nov:26(11):1811-7


The same analysis found a week of naproxen (Aleve) use increases heart attack risk by 53% compared to non-users. Ftn2

Ftn 2  Hsu C., Wong J. Hsu YH et. al. Use of Nonsteriodial Anti-Inflamatory Drugs and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Subject With Hypertension: Nationwide Longitutidinal Cohort Study. Hypertension 2015 Sept 66(3):524-33.


BUT THEN I went shopping for aspirin!

I noticed that little bottles that were orange and big bottles that were not, had exactly the same contents, but different prices. But then! I looked at the inqredients! the big cheap bottle of aspirin listed several ingreidents other than salycylic acid, which is the active ingredient, from the bark of a willow tree. It include propylene gylcol and polyethelene something. These are from oil. these are used in making that plastic yellow rope and the finish on ship decks. Although often in makeup and soap type products, for sure, I wouldn’t want plastic rope ingredients lodged in my heart.

So, then, I looked at the more expensive brand. ON the box, there was no information about inactive ingredients. A clerk showed me that if I took the bottle out of the box, and knew how to unstick the label, that inside I could find them. There were fewer. I bought that bottle. But since then I have heard the familiar name of the company cited as one of the worst big pharma, even anti-christ type companies. Well.

Let me know if you have some suggestions!

Those Who Have Had Covid are Much More Protected

Those who Have had covid are Much More Protected than those who have had the jab. The obvious must be stated, loudly, in an era where lies, obvious lies and impossibilities, are so promulgated so much and so loudly that half the population believes them.


{Epoch Times is unbiased, honorable, and without an agenda, except for the editorial stance against the Chinese Communist Party. The owner participated in Tianamen Square. If Epoch Times is criticized, it alerts you to the ethics and agenda of the criticizer. )

A human manufactured deadly virus circles the globe. After a campaign of fear mongering and fact suppression, there is another campaign of a deadly injection. No safety assurances. No credible claim that it is a preventative or curative measure. Evidence, if suppressed, that the rate of death from the injection may be as high as the rate of death from the original designer virus. Evidence that death from the virus after having had the injection continues — possibly at the same rate as without having had it. Evidence for not only immediate death, years of aches, auto-immune problems, but also fertility problems.

Yet, no admission in public that obviously and always, protection against re-occurrence is always stronger in those who have had a disease and recovered than from an immunization. Which this one is not– no authority claims that it is.

Wow! so many lies and deceptions, it is hard to get them all in one basket. One contradicts another. THINK! Protect yourself and your children.

Given this obvious fact, that exposure and recovery is stronger than any vaccine no matter how good….
Given that this “vaccine” is not good…..
Given that children when exposed seem unaffected…
Given that younger and even older healthy people recover easily…
That m ost people have to have a test to even see if they have it….
Then why in the world would anyone take or ask someone else to take a vaccine — even if it were good.
Young, healthy people, if they can recover, would want to be exposed.
They would not want a “treatment” that will likely harm them.
It makes no sense.