Category Archives: Healing

God Heals — Isaiah 53

Again, we are getting very dismaying news about another couple of young adult athletes who fell dead. And we are supposed to believe it was natural causes. A new natural or unknown cause called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.” And yet, still, amazingly, I am also getting reports of people still urging to jab children! It is beyond belief.

But, God! God’s word is immortal, incorruptible. It didn’t change because  the devil got worse, or people more perfectly partnered with the devil. Ha ha. God’s promises are real. So, whatever the problem might be, let’s open the Word of God and find Truth.

Don’t look to the right or the left. Just look at the Word. Don’t say something against it; just speak the Scripture. That is your prescription. That is your script.

And break off disappointment. Do not let a failure to understand, to receive or whatever, to cause another failure to receive. Just let’s look at the Word.


Miraculous Healing

A couple of friends came in the studio to testify of miraculous healings they had experienced under my ministry. I threatened them not to talk about me! LOL But they did talk about their healings.

this is so very important, because the number one reason peolpe don’t see healing is because they don’t think it exists. People resign themselves to whatever the problem is. Worse, they use it for an excuse to get other things they want, so the very problem is a treasure to them.

This is abundantly true in learning disabilities at this time. Children learn to be work avoidant victim controllers rather than overcomers, successful and happy.  Teacher learn to have ever lower expectations and predictably get those expectations.  Teachers college which for so long denied that learning disbilities existed now train people to see them as disabilities that need to be encouraged and coddled, rather than overcome.

The whole public school system appears to be set up to ensure a dumbing down of the population. Just when it seemed that it couldn’t get worse, there is a new law that gives more money to for the school for every child identified with LD. That sounds good, except the “services” were never helpful.  Labeling theory explains how the label fixes and makes permanent the problem. This is trebly true when “services” means that the children will get less of the regular education, and more of the labeling behavior.

Hear Betty and Melanie and apply that hope and faith to your situation.


Therapy for Kids w Trauma

David Rubin was just going to the dentist with his 3 year old son in the backseat. Terrorists shot at him. Miraculously, the damaged car started and got them to the hospital. The bullet just missed the toddler’s brain stem. From this experience, David Rubin started a children’s therapy center in his town, Shiloh, Israel. They take children from either side, regardless of ethnicity or religion. They help children.

The offer a variety of modalities of therapy for kids with trauma. Yes, they have animals.  Yes, they have a variety of professionals.  Yes, children make friends. Yes, it is in Shiloh, Israel.

Unfortunately, now, we have more children who have trauma from a variety of traumatic experiences. We might learn a few things from David Rubin. You might want to support his work too.


Given the ominous, repeated, news posts from Israel and region, it seems like we need to pray for peace. Yes, it is possible to visit Shiloh, the heartland of Israel, right where Samuel ministered to the Lord.

7 Practical Mom-Level Health Measures for 2022

I offer 7 practical mom-level health measures for 2022. These are what my most knowledgeable friends are interested in. All checked out and reference from credentialed sources OR trusted sources who found from credentialed sources. (Although we have recently seen how credential can be corrupt or even…)  Just saying, I’ve done my best to pas along good info. You check for yourself.

Regular disclaimer : I am not a physician. This is not meant to cure or treat any disease. Because we know that only the AMA has the authority over that.

But mothers are interested in prevention  and home remedies and that is more along the lines of what we have. Hope you find it helpful. Please share what works for you and your family?

Here are the promised links.

1. Ideas for sore throat, sinuses : spray, wash or infuse with hydrogen peroxide.


3. Surely, you have already heard that the substance early on recognized as a therapeutic but banned for that scary infection.  Quinine, on which this medicine and others like it are based, has been used for centuries. It comes comes from a chichona tree. For the DIY, here is an article on making your own.

There are other articles. Notice, you will have to purchase chichona bark. This was possible a few months ago – but, today, you never know.

4. Then, there is the cheapest yet: sunshine. Sunshine carries vitamin D. Check out this article:

5. Of course, we are not permitted to discuss a word starting with I that has been used safely for decades for humans for rheumatoid arthritis & lupus —  and also as horse de-wormer. People have been using it as a treatment for the scam–demic we are also not supposed mention unless we do fear porn.  Maybe I can pass along the info that wormwood is another anti-helminth, or in other words, another anti-parasite treatment. Wormwood is available in tincture form at most health food stores. No known study about effectiveness.

6. Nattokinease and N –acteyl- L -carnitine for heart inflammation. Natto is a fermented Japanese product. N-acetyl-L-carnitine is readily available at health food stores. It is good for youth cellular metabolism, heart, and brain. There are scientific studies on this. Try

7. Finally, it is going around the internet that certain pine needles are a treatment for … those spi…. pointy …… proteins… which is that same thing, really, that we are not supposed to speak about. My research indicates that various pines have been used for similar applications. Apparently, Eastern White Pine has long been used for tea because it has vitamin A, C (rather a lot), and has some restorative properties (meaning it helps against feeling tired.) (NOT at all like  pine trees in Texas which would give a turpentine like taste!)  I found some, well identified, tried it out, and found as a tea, it seems to work well. Tastes like mild lemon/lime. DO NOT BOIL. Do not expect it to look much different than water. Use like tea. Put other things in it like lemon or mint, if desired.

(Btw, I see unidentified pine needles for sale – which I would not recommend. Also, I saw a Y….T…. video posted with wrong directions, deceptive video, by …. some one… who might be identified as a bad actor. Beware.)

Found recently :

I notice this last are not identified, nor can you tell which kind based on the picture. And pricey!

BETTER:  Eastern White Pine is probably Pinus Strobus:

Editor :

BTW, yes, I know normal practice is to not show all the link, but just a clickable word. However, in today’s environment, when there are so many attacks on good info, I wanted to make as sure as possible that the link could be found now and in the future. Thanks for understanding.