What ARE “Learning Disabilities” Anyway?

What are “learning disabilities”? In practical life? In the Law? In Public School?

What does it mean for a student to find that she or he has a “learning disability”?  Are these true disabilities? Is this labeling? Is labeling necessary? Are there any such thing at all?

So, a child has problems in school. What kind of problems fit in this category? What can be done?

We will answer those questions today, and more like them next time what happens in private schools, in homeschooling, and what are the most important tips on  how to proceed so that your child can experience a successful life.

Here are the links I promised:

  1. IDEA Act  Government promulgated fact sheet website  https://sites.ed.gov/idea/  LDs are not mental retardation, now Down’s Syndrome, and not remediated by SEL Social and Emotional Learning. These are entirely separate discussions, but you might be misled by a single glance at this website!

Statute and Regulations

  1. Statute language as far as I can tell http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title20/chapter33&edition=prelim  This is USC Chap 33.I remember IDEA being PS 92-142.
  2. Section 504https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ocr/civilrights/resources/factsheets/504.pdfhttps://www.wrightslaw.com/info/sec504.index.htm
  3. Wright’s Law website, explanation of the law  https://www.wrightslaw.com/info/sec504.index.htm
  4.  Home School Legal Defense Fund  https://hslda.org/
  5. How Difficult Can it Be?  F>A>T> City   Recommended video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9NfoGiLKdA  Available on Vimeo and for sale many places


How Hard Can This Be? By Richard Lavoie. In the author’s workshops, participants wind up frustrated, angry, and in tears — and finally understand …


This unique program lets viewers experience the frustration, anxiety, and tension faced by children with learning disabilities. Workshop facilitator Richard …


This unique program lets viewers experience the frustration, anxiety, and tension faced by children with learning disabilities. Workshop facilitator Richard …

This is “How Difficult Can This be? The F.A.T. City Workshop” by Reading Partners on Vimeo,and is for sale many places.

Learning Disabilities Association of Texas https://ldatx.org/  Notice, the most important thing they think you need to know is that you may at any time, by law, request an evaluation for your student. Check out what they say. Remember, I said, to do it in writing, certified/return receipt requested. Then, you will get a response.


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