The Largest Health Scandal in the History of our Nation

Because the bulk of my listenership are mothers and educators that care about the health of children, I have done what I could to curate info on the “c*v*-19/jab/bioweapon” conflict.


Robert Barnes, counsel for the Plaintiff, explains some major points about the case of Children’s Health Defense Fund against the FDA. “standing,” discovery, how many deaths and adverse events are there and how do we know?

Highlights of his comments:

  • Redefinition of “vaccine” was illegal labeling because it led people to believe that the jab was an inoculation or immunization, which it was not, Pfizer admitted they hardly tested for that.
  • Standing was invented by the Supreme Court some years ago, against the Right to Plea to the Government for Redress, the number one reason for this Nation separating from Great Britain
  • Probably 17 million deaths from the jab
  • extremely high disability
  • Yes, Nuremburg Code might apply but discussion of this means that we have judicial hostility
  • Whether or not the judiciary does their job, the court of public opinion has reached the point that million of lives of children will be saved

Barnes’ comments on Rumble



Obviously, there would be another side, but a) they haven’t posted their pleadings that I know of and b) there seems to be some lack of truthfulness and straitghtforwardness about that side, and c) that side seems to be in control of the conventional media. Thus, I feel it would not be necessary or useful to try to hunt it down. If you have info to this level of quality, you may post.

Show cause as to why Nuremburg Code might apply*~hmac=fad2d3f7f82d075a15bf0626c815c4f6d942dee6320d64a0fd9308b4529895fd

posting decisions from Amarillo  Maybe available only to members of Locals:*~hmac=c6e96164dcab9ad2e44e6ee5cb5d27e442ac327aeaa77fa4425ba59c05b87213

Posting plea from Brooke Jackson v Pfizer*~hmac=0b97165f8d4136864cd92bdf78c207747985661ab9076ce548a0b7eeef134d71

Whether or not the judiciary does their jobe, the court of public opinion has reached the point that maillion of lives of children will be saved.

Bart Once Was Non-Sighted; Now he Sees

Finishing up our 3 part series on miraculous healing, we hear the history of “Blind Bartimeus” — or Blind Bart or today maybe Bart who used to be non-sighted. Well, Bart was once non-sighted, but now he sees. He heard that Jesus the Miracle Worker was coming to town. He positioned himself. Then he started calling out — loudly.

Look at the dynamics, because they are typical. He positioned himself and he started calling out, toward where he had heard Jesus was coming. People around him told him to stop. Typical!!!  But Jesus did hear him and called him. Then, the people around him changed their tune and were telling him to go.

He threw off his beggar’s cloak, the label that permitted him to get his beggar’s pittance. Jesus healed him. He walked away, seeing. This throwing off was a faith statement. Jesus said more than once to someone, “You faith has made you whole/well/saved.” (It is all the same word in Greek: sozo.)

Go thou and do likewise. Meaning: position yourself, call out, ignore contradictions, have faith, and walk away victorious. That is the way it works.

It might be easier to learn how to read, how to do algebra, and how to understand philosophy than to believe for sight if you have never seen. So, go for what you need. And by all means, throw off the label!

Also, announcements following in the audio.