Category Archives: Child rearing

More than positive thinking

Switching the negative/fear/poor expectation switch off & the positive/faith/good receiving switch on. God wants good 4 me; I agree!

I think it may be obvious how better expectations lead to better grades. Since I have a positive and high expectations about my ability to earn grades, I work up to that expectation. Those who have low expectations seems to fulfill them also. But faith and a positive mind/body result is more than positive thinking. (Deepak Chopra just said on television that positive thinkers are annoying! He prefers meditation, which seems to alternately define in that conversation as 1) doing nothing an 2) inquiry about who one is, where one comes from or what one wants.) I am not surprised about the factual medical findings. I think a better explanation is one that came much before: faith, hope, and love. Positive expectations that are based on promises in the Bible, based on God’s grace have a stronger reality as well as more existential power.

A story where God is love and God’s emissary gave himself, his very human self *for others* is then the most powerful claim on being the most appropriate path.

This matches with the observation that those who do charitable acts reap good health rewards. Science finds this. I am not surprised.

How do you communicate the value of positive expectations, love, and charity to your children and students? Is faith merely doctrine? Merely boundaries on speaking? Is charity only duty or only magic?
Is religion only moral rules? Often what we teach our children is actually what we really believe.

Emotional connections build better brains too

Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk said:
“What is the connected baby? “Babies arrive already connected to other people. That’s what a range of sciences is now telling us: that they have brains already tuned in to other people’s body rhythms and vocal tones and movements. It makes them much more communicative and sophisticated than we often realise. In fact, it turns out that their very brain pathways are shaped by the kinds of responses that they receive from other people. “So, to build the kind of society that we all want, we need to pay more attention to the way that we relate to our youngest children. I guess you could say that science is helping us to understand why it is that the way we love our children matters so much.”

Check out the vid at

and my comment there.
What are yours? How can we teach love? Our community is supposed to be about that. There is even a Biblical mandate for older women to teach younger women how to love… well I think it says husbands, but today really, why not children? What do you say about this?

How did you learn to love your baby? What would be your tips? Thanks!


What is your most pressing need with regard to your children?
Are you finding the resources you need to help you with educating your children. If not, what is missing?
What is your most favorite social media application?
What is your most favorite broadcast?
Is your church meeting your children’s needs? If not, what is missing?
Do you have a supportive group of mothers or aunties/grandmothers? If not, why not?