HR 9828 Would Return Liability to Vaccine Manufacturers

In late September, Republican Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona’s 9th District introduced H.R. 9828 in the US House of Representatives. Titled “The Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes,” the bill serves to overturn aspects of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. These changes would allow victims of vaccine-induced injuries and deaths to obtain legal compensation from vaccine manufacturers by stripping these corporations of the immunity from liability afforded to them by NCVIA.

The bill boasts an impressive list of 30 cosponsors, including five from the Texas congressional delegation. Interestingly, not one Democrat has signed on to this vital legislation.

Texans for Vaccine Choice ardently supports this bill, which would allow for much needed justice for victims by restoring liability back to the vaccine manufacturers, and we applaud Representative Paul Gosar in his pursuit. We would also like to remind you that 99% of vaccine policy is set at the state level, and if this bill were to pass, it would be just ONE step towards holding Big Pharma accountable, after years of their relentless pursuit of medical mandates.

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