Tag Archives: praying

Mothers Praying Together for a Breakthrough

Today, again, we pray together. Pray along with me for a breakthrough for yourself or your children.
Share the anointing! Get encouraged. See a breakthrough for your kids or grandkids.
And if you find value in this, please share it with your friends — however and wherever. This could be from the website posting to Facebook or it could be a like on iTunes. Or whatever way works for you. Please let people know.

Praying for Nations

In our series on praying along together, we pray for nations today. We celebrate the victory that Jesus the Christ has won for us.
Of course, while this is bigger than praying for our own children, it does relate to them!
How important to pray together.

Please also set aside some time on Sunday to pray for our President. How could anyone withstand the onslaught of lies, hatred, and official/criminal/ridiculous action? We can retreat to our private space. Let’s support our leader in prayer and thank God for the relief he has brought us!

Pray In Authority

In our current 4 part series, we are discussing how to pray better. Did you know you have authority over demons, devils, and even satan? Yes! Why not use that authority? Hear our lesson.

BTW, we have a longer, fresh new series on how to pray, with brand new insights, all to mail out to you on CDs and with lessons to work through. Make a real change in your life. $97 P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78613