What is the risk of bird flu?


Extremely few cases, and only in CA and NV.
LIkelihood of false positives if lots of testing. More as prevalance dies down.
Motivation to take out small farmers, like the Amish.

And remember, where did this all come from?
I guess we don’t know?

Didn’t we have a bird flu before? And young adults were supposedly targeted? Someone did die in Viet Nam. I think that was a previous doctor who told me, “scam.” He is retired now. And I think lives in another country.

Drone Reports as Thinking Exercise

Today we are posting our last ‘cast of the year — early. So, next week: Drone reports as a Thinking Exercise.
Those who watch news, especially indie news, know about the numerous drone citings and the discussion arising. Lots of questions. Many suggestions. Some fear mongering. Requests for more funding and more power. Accusations. You bet, the typical political discourse. And with reason.

By contrast, some homeschool moms, in fact most mothers, may be too busy to even care. “What could I do about it anyway?” Well, true. However, since at this point there is a lot of material to work with and no conclusion, this becomes a great thinking exercise. So, besides wanting to celebrate with grandchildren, now is a good time to post this episode. If after Christmas you have time to use this as an activity with your children or grandchildren, here you go. Fodder for thought.

Oh 12! I need a 12th! Some threat that means no inaugruation? And October 7 type attack? Yikes, is that 13? A false flag so that people won’t allow Americans to fly drones in future? ????

What are the possibilities? What is the evidence? How do you know? What is most likely? What are the take-away “to-dos” or “not-to-dos?”

Comment after more info:
Well, the most common and most dangerous default thinking is normalcy bias. If you are being attacked and don’t realize it, that is bad. However, these days, we have a lot of fear porn. So, this is why thinking exercises are imperative. And for generations, few have been taught about it.
Here is new info: https://rumble.com/v608qlt-webinar-treacherous-transition-team-xi-biden-and-intensifying-threats-to-am.html?mref=9iht7&mrefc=2
Another few voices: https://rumble.com/v60z9m8-the-round-table-12-19-24.html?e9s=src_v1_mfp
Feel free to add whatever link you think is helpful.

From Steve Deas as reported by Gary Humble & Kevin Kookeqy, TN Stands: Maybe the drones are flown because Congress has a bill ready to take more control over drones, so this is an operation to drum up popular support for limiting freedom.
From Gary Humbe, TN Stands: May AI has taken control of the drones and the military is frantically trying to get control back and that is why they don’t want us to know.

You do see a comment box below, don’t you? I have it in my settings, but I don’t see it; however, after all, my software knows that I am the administrator. Please let me know if it is not working )– assuming you are a real listener and not pitching you webmaster services! )

Children are Important

Did you ever realize that at Christmas we celebrate a child? And it is a celebration most especially for children? Children are important. We can indeed, take that lesson away.
The angel indicated this was a great gift. Mary clearly was thrilled. The faithful of Israel were looking for this child for centuries. We should be thrilled too.

We, too, as parents and educators are highly favored and blessed. Let us take this knowledge and encourage ourselves — and reform our culture with it.

Water Good News: a filtration system an basic health and detox step

Today, I explain the necessity and use of good, pure water. Then, I tell you what I did, why, and how you can do the same.
This is good news about water: a filtration system can be a basic step towards good health and detox.

Good water is vital for health. Alkaline water has health benefits. Basic good health starts with pure water, and in today’s world the most important health measure is detoxing. For children, that means that fresh, good, pure water is the place to start.

Also, protecting against the possible threat of poisoned water could make sense.

So,today, I am suggesting you think about a whole house filter for your holiday gift to your own family.

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