Things to Watch for If Your Child Got the Jab — and other articles

Australian Researchers Call for Pause on Gene-Based COVID-19 Vaccines Amid Spike in Excess Deaths – reported in Epoch Times

COVID-19 Vaccines Can Potentially Worsen Cancer: Review – Epoch Times headline — ah, we knew last year that the jab caused a more than 300% spike in deaths from cancer alone

4th Vaccine Dose Showed Negative Relative Vaccine Efficacy Against COVID Death: Stud translated: if you get a 4th dose, you are more likely to get covid, not less

Healing Scriptures from the New Testament to Overcome Learning Problems

Today, I just read healing scriptures from the New Testament. Last episode, I read healing Scriptures from the Old Testament. Indeed, I start with the NT quoting Isaiah 53! (Don’t forget to get the product where I delve into the Hebrew of Isaiah 53! and I go on to Isa 54 — where our foundational scripture is found! )

Today, more healing scriptures, especially selected for people believing for overcoming learning problems. Scriptures about healing, yes, but also Scriptures themselves have a healing property because God’s Word does not go forth void.

There are so very many concocted stories in the church why not healing; so, how about just listening to the Scriptures itself? So many lies have been exposed in recent years: in government, in media, in schools. Lies are also in the church. Let’s forget about all that for the moment, and focus on The Word of God. It was the Word of God that created all things, that came among us, and it will be the Word of God, believed, that will heal us.


And of course, email me your/your children’s  testimonies.

Healing Applies to Learning Problems, too

Today, as promised, we talk about how healing applies to learning problems. If you missed last episodes, where we laid out our plans, go hear it now too.

Everyone likes to pray for healing for themselves, but few are brave enough, or informed enough to say they believe it. Some even concoct stories contrary to the bible they say they believe in and teach it confidently!  That is who you do not want to be.

Most of us hope. Okay, but let’s see what the Scriptures say, okay?  By the way, it is good news!

Upcoming Series on the Podcast and Holiday Blessings

Today I just announced plans for next year. I am planning 3 upcoming series on the podcast.  1) How to Tell what is True, 2) Nutrition and 3) Miraculous Healing from the Bible. Somehow, I want to get in that the Bible’s miraculous healing and practical health measures go together. I do mention that in this episode. I am learning so much about how to teach, too, that I might end up talking about that. Great, amazing revelations that come round to common sense, and some mighty unveiling about the nonsense going on in government schools.

Here are the links I mentioned:

Life Extensions Protocol that is “the atom bomb for the flu” is on this site, to to the GSB4Grans page and scroll down.

Lost Herbs has had more than one recent article:

Lost Herbs natural anti-biotic:

Lost Herbs: Common herbs to combat the most common virus :

“How to Make Pencillin Soup”  (but not really; no one wants to eat black break mold; really it is about a much better tasting anti-viral: chicken soup! )

And btw, completely off topic, look here: someone wants to sell you anti-EMF cloth. I don’t know that this would work in furniture and I am pretty sure that 2 pieces won’t protect your car. A Faraday cage has to go around an object entirely. I bring it up, however,because the assumption is that you know that too much emf can harm you. Wow, was I ever punished by unsubscribes 15 years ago when I mention emf poisoning at my radio show. LOL Anyway, for your research:


Please consider that we can celebrate the God of the Universe coming down to us, to help us, to lead us, to save us. That is very much worth celebrating. Take some time to rest. Take some time to celebrate. Enjoy the glitter. Be kind to your family. Try to be the thermometer; speak kind words; overlook the less desirable behavior. Be blessed. When regrets around shortcomings arise, substitute the gratefulness for the blessings.  I bless  you in the Name of Jesus, Yashua HaMessiach; may you delight like a child in the beauty and even the kitsch; may you be able to savor some of the holiday with loved ones;  may you connect with the Great God and Savior.