Category Archives: children’s safety

Covid Con, Death Rates, and the new RSV vaccine
New RSV vaccine not tested for safety.
Much higher death rates among Canadians who have been “boosted.”
Astonishing death rates in the UK>
Dr. McCullough says accountability for the covid scam/jab bioweapon is coming.
Fox and Newsmax took bribes to suppress news about vaxx injury
vaxx vs unvaxxed
Dr. Long: We have no idea how long the affects will be, perhaps even trans-generational.
An attorney and a military doctor converse. This was a long-planned weapons test in a de-population/software installation plan.

BTW, we are not overpopulated. We could put everyone in a single family home, in West Texas. We have made great progress on reducing pollution. And we have had massive die offs during the last century, largest because of violence based on ideology: Russia, Nazis, China, Cambodia — and now…
“Soldiers are being abused.”
“”IF you got vaxxed, you are the property of the patent holders. That is the status of the law now.”

Start Something – Rescue Children Academically

Start Something – Rescue Children Academically. Likely, you are a frustrated parent. Maybe you are considering homeschooling – and that is great. Maybe you are a homeschooler and your child wants more children around?

Perhaps you are a homeschool “graduate” grandmother? Maybe you are a Christian congregational leader?

Consider that you could start something to help children. As a mission. As a charity.
It could be a licensed childcare center. For training and consulting, see Or maybe your church would prefer a course, for which see

Maybe you could start a big school. Let me help you with board training, vision finding, and the myriad other choices.

Or maybe you would like to start a micro-school — right quick. Here what I have to say, and check out the page for microschools on

There is Falsehood, too. Teach Children About Sociopaths.

There is Truth and there are also Lies – And worse: There are Liars

In our series on How to Think Better, we had an episode that was titled “There is Truth.” Well, there is also falsehood. There are also people who regularly lie.  Pyschologists diagnose some people “pychopaths” and/or “sociopaths” — people who not only lie regularly, but enjoy hurting others. It may be analyzed that these people are demon possessed.  Let’s consider the situation in a practical manner.

We must recognize and teach children about falsehood, lies, and sociopaths.

Why This Relates to the “Learning Disabled”

This dynamic is very important to recognize and teach our children about. Children, reared in good environment, can be quite shocked, and often after bad experiences, if they do not know that some people lie, and some of those situations can be dangerous. Students with “learning disabilities” are particularly at risk for these bad experiences. It has been famously said that “LD students have bully targets on their back.” I do not know why this is so. Is it because these students also have weaknesses at noticing social cues? Or is it that they are spending so much time on academics that they fail to develop such social skills?

Three Steps for Parents/Educators

How do we, as parents respond? First, inform ourselves, and think better ourselves. Do not be snookered. Secondly, teach our children directly that there is such a thing as a falsehood, there are liars, and there are LIARS who intend to hurt. Thirdly, we must train our children not just in social skills but in character — so they do not become THOSE PEOPLE.

Urging combination of vaccines with mRNA NOW? REALLY?

In a time when Nuremberg trials are needed for the mass murder of the scamdemic vax mandates, and while we know that children, and even young adults are not at risk from covid, and while there are serious safety questions about all vaccines, how could it be that a state government is pressing all of them…. especially in combination. Remember, world class researcher, Andrew Wakefield in 2009 on our broadcast asking for safety testing on combinations, something that had never been done? How could this be.

Well, you guessed it.  The medical industry is very powerful in the state lege in TN.

Be sure you will stand before Jesus with a clear conscience on that day.