Tag Archives: Write a book

Write a Book or Start a Company over the Summer

Today, we bring you some summer business projects for students, especially those with “learning disabilities.”

More ideas for the summer. Inspired by Richard Eberiga, we consider the idea of writing a book or starting a company over the summer. Yes! it can be done. Check out the idea. I think the greatest hurdle is the negative belief hurdle. Get over that, and show the student a few skills and great achievements can happen! This is practical faith for success.

While preparing this episode for posting, we discovered that Bishop Dr. Eberiga passed last summer. He was pastor of iFreedom Church in San Antonio, prophet, speaker, trainer, author. He was an inspiration and we mourn his untimely passing.

Presumably, for this reason, www.teenceo.org is no longer available. I hope that great lives in our listeners will be a great tribute for this great man.

This idea of Teen CEo is a particularly helpful direction for “learning disabled”  student, students who are tired of school, discouraged by the repeat drilling of skills they find difficult if not impossible, and the general mis-match between them and the culture of schooling.

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