Tag Archives: screens

People Are Reaching Through the Screen To Get Your Kids Addicted to Porn

I am re-playing my talk with Dani Johnson, of multi-level marketing fame. As a marketer and a mother, perhaps no one speaks more credibly on the real danger of addiction to porn. She also gives some great ideas on how to talk to your children about it.
Please add, in the comment space, ideas you use to protect your children from this real, present, and intended danger.

Here are some important links:

And the more recent BaseCamp Live podcast : https://basecamplive.com/protect-kids-chris-mckenna/

And Covenant Eyes
Protect Young Eyes: https://protectyoungeyes.com They provide both software/apps and presentations for parents. Free videos are on the website for you now.

Remember: Only those who love the truth will not be deceived.