There is no label I hate more than “learning disabled.” Who is disabled? That means not-able. Even though I may not have some abilities, I do have others. I can learn. And so can every child. Every child can succeed. Even in school. Not everyone is called to be a scholar, but everyone has a calling from God. And some of us, even those of us who might be diagnosed as “dyslexic” ARE scholars, with honors glowing. Every mother should have faith that God wants good for her child. Every grandparent should be able to glorify God for a couple of generations after them that have improved. This is God’s will. Let’s take it, by robust faith. Tune in or subscribe and hear how. — GSB
Tag Archives: learning disabilities
Healing for Learning Disabilities
O gosh! Just thought of it now. Is the prejudice against higher education a root cause for why people don’t believe God for healing of learning disabilities?
God wants you healed. God wants great shalom for your children.
Come on now, people beleive for healing for conditions they directly caused, like not exercising and not eating right. Surely we can believe for our children!
God wants our children to grow and do well. If school is what they must be doing, that is included. Of course, let’s do all the best health practises we know. But just because the problem is showing up in school, is no reason why God’s arm is shortened!
God wants total well-being for ALL children — and of course and especially those children under covenant whose parents know it.
Believing for Healing of Learning Disabilities
Just got caught up in a discussion on someone else’s blog about whether neat handwriting was important or not? Well, of course there is the option of typing today, but neatness is important. Also put in that I have used the Montessori Method, using 3D letters to introduce letters, so that writing those letters with a pencil can come well, and later. So that whatever problems the child is having are resolved. The child learns the letters without the frustration of writing (in the case where that was a problem) and then learns to write easily. This is an example of innovative pedagogy — using a different method with a child who has “a learning disability.” And everything is resolved. But see, it first took faith that the problem could be resolved. I have faith my students can learn. I love to tutor 7 year olds brought to me because they are having trouble proceeding. Much better to help a child over a problem than to wait a couple more years and diagnose them. Two years of frustration and then a label that explains? What good is that? No, let’s find the problem dissolving now! But underlying is the faith that there is a solution, or healing, or method.
Merry Christmas: God Loves Your Child
Merry Christmas! God LOVES your child! That is what it is all about.
What I want to do more than anything else in this broadcast ministry is to convey to you that God loves you and your child more than anything. God is powerful; God is good; God is loving. Therefore, there is healing for every problem, especially learning problems. Therefore there is wisdom for every childrearing problem. All you have to do is receive it by faith.
This is the same pattern. All Christians talk about salvation. That means rescue. You are exhorted, begged even, to recieve salvation by faith. That is the whole Christian message. Jesus came as a baby; God coming in the humble circumstances of a mortal human being. Then Jesus took upon himeself all our sin, all our punishment, all our greif, all our sickness and all our poverty. Thus he died the most excuriating death. But! He rose again from the dead. He was seen by many people. Many people’s lives were changed. And still are. And we work hard, together, to grow up to be like Him in one body. We expect Him to come again to reign in glorious condition, but not until we are ready. Hallelujah! That is the best ever!
And notice, this is no legend/myth. This is an understanding rooted in history. The God of Israel is a God who intervenes in history. Not just of nations, but also of individuals.
So, on behalf of that same God, I declare to you that God loves you. God loves your child. God has already made provision for healing for your child. God has already made provision for your wisdom, strength and grace as a parent. So I beg you, recieve the Love.
That is what Christmas is about. That is what Easter is about. That is what Pentecost is about. That is what Tabernacles is about. That is what this ministry is about. God loves you. Recieve the love.
Be healed. Be delivered. Be saved. Whatever you need, Jesus brought it. Wow! What a Christmas gift!