Tag Archives: Crisis

Overcoming Nursing Problems with a Recipe for Baby Formula

Young Mom Finds Victory Over Nursing Challenge

who wants the dilemma of not being able to breastfeed but not wanting to feed  your baby commercial formula. Have you seen the ingredient list? “Breast is best,” but what if it is not possible?

Christina Nichols is our guest today, telling her story of victory over a nursing challenge. She found a great recipe for baby formula that she shares. Links to cookbook below. Lots of fun!  And very good news.  Especially today!

Links to Resources for Nursing / Baby Formula Help

https://www.llli.org/  The La Leche League — club for women to help each other breastfeed

Christina’s recommendation on a cookbook  https://nourishingtraditions.com/


The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of …

Find out more about the baby formula crisis here