Category Archives: Preschool

Be the Village

One side says, “It takes a Village to Raise a Child.” The other side said, “NO! It takes 2 parents!” Well, here is the truth about rearing children. Leaders know that we need to help children and help parents rear children. However, all out efforts are resulting in worsening statistics. So maybe we need a new plan. Let’s first get some correct, scientific facts. Then let’s consult some time-tested wisdom. If we keep wandering around in “left field” or “gridlock” our kids will continue to falter. There is a way through the wilderness to the Promised Land. I’ll give you a map in less than 30 minutes.

Also, if you like, you may sign up for a free ebook on how to start a full time preschool — as mission. I know of no other mission that can change the world so dramatically or so quickly. I know of no other mission that can pay for itself. Please consider this and please pass the ebook around!