Category Archives: Prayers for teachers

Local Pastor Prays for Educators and Advises Students About Religious Rights

Bob Long, a local leader in Central Texas, weighs in about religious rights in public school. Then he prays over all the children and educators starting school this year. (rerun from 2009).

For more help on the topic of rights for Christians in the public school, please consult Christian Educators Association

Christian Educators Association International. Encouraging, equipping, and empowering Christian educators in K-12 public, charter, and private schools. The mission of the Christian Educators Association is to inspire and support Christian educators and encourage community. They have a magazine and a yearly national convention. They also offer a $2 million Professional Liability Policy that protects educators from lawsuits. A Job Action Protection benefit that provides a local attorney to represent you and other benefits.

GSB Almost in Audio for 2016

Happy to announce that we are in audio again, for 2016. Please subscribe through WordPress (to the right on this page). In 15 minute format now, because I understand this is the most popular podcasting format these days. This week a little explanation and a prayer of blessing. Next week, how to change your atmosphere with singing.

First Audio of 2016

Double click on this and then look for the black bar. That is your player. Press the little triangle because that is your play button.

Now, I have to remember to put text into WP, then make a link, then put code in, being sure it is right with no trash AND THEN to eliminate the “http://” because WP will automatically put that in. Aha. (And never mind that WP just added some code to this text! OY Vey!)

Apologies to those of you who came early and found a bit of coding trash. I was obviously technical difficulties. Our sound file hosting friends had an unavoidable change in servers. WordPress as decided to make several changes too, which in our view were all poor choices. But I also was having some difficulty getting my code up right. So I was getting changes or eliminations of the code from my server support. Struggle. It would be better if I could devote myself to my calling to creating the content and that I had someone whose calling and talent was to do the tech. I need some volunteer tech help or money to pay tech help. Audio files are ready to go, with good server support (we really like NetBroadcasting — great for churches.) Contact me if you have help.

First Audio of 2016