Category Archives: Learning Disabilities


EMF means electro-magnetic frequencies. There is a spectrum of EMF. One kind is radio/cell phone /microwaves (a subset range.) It is the possible safety hazards of this subset that is being considered here. Cell phones have had safety questions for children. Primarily overuse of, use in a car, or living too close to cell phone towers have been what seems to be of concern. Possible bioeffects of emf pollution might include depression, anxiety, anger, cancer, memory problems, or hindered sleep.

The sites mentioned in the broadcast were
Also similarly of interest:,, &

For more research on the subject, look for work by:

Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, Associate Professor of physiology and cellular biophysics, Columbia University,

Dr. Magda Havas, PhD, Environmental and Resource Studies Program, Trent University, Ontario, Canada
Lennat Hardell, Oncologist, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden

Many countries have weighed in on the issue:

Vienna 1998
Salzburb 200 e.pdf
Italy 2001
Italy 2006 resolution.htm
Italy 2008
Germany wifi-40845.html
Sweden: FEB Electrosensitivity
New Zealand

Canadian Public Health Officer advises limited chilren’s use of cell phones until science resolves uncertainties

USA U of Pittsburg’s Cancer Institute
Mercola :…

And many others.

What exercises do you recommend?

this week on the broadcast I talked about exercises that build better brains. What exercises do you recommend? If you are a homeschooler, what do you do for Phys. Ed.? If you are a preschool teacher, what are your favorite exercises? If you are a professional working with patients with learning or cognitive issues, what are your favorites? Will you share?

Is my child ADD?

Is my child ADD? Here are some mom-to-mom tips.

Your child’s teachers tells you she thinks your child has attention problems or is hyperactive. What should you do?

1. Listen calmly. Ask: “What are you seeing that makes you say that.” Children often act differently under different circumstances. Hear the teacher out; get her point of view.

2. No pressure. Realize that no teacher can diagnose. In Texas it is illegal for a teacher to tell you that you must put your child on drugs.

3. Think about these issues.

    *Is the child getting enough outdoor time? Is it really ADD or Outside Deficit Disorder?
    *Children, and boys especially, need active exercise time.
    *Is the child bored? Bright children, especially boys, if they are not challenged academically, may seek stimulation elsewhere.
    *Is the child being irritated by food dyes or other food sensitivities. (For more about that, hear our audio cast “GSB Get the Red [Dye} Out 120219” available at player.)
    *Does the child have adequate, regularly dosed nutrition, especially protein? Hungry children have a hard time focusing
    *Might the child be depressed? Children sometimes display depression and tension differently than adults do.

4. Realize that only an MD can formally diagnose ADD/ADHD, yet other help is available.

    *Doctors do not have an objective marker to make this diagnosis; they will ask for reports from several people.
    *Doctors do not have education in pharmaceuticals or nutrition or complementary approaches, unless they taught themselves against the grain of the system.
    *Most nutritionists were trained in graduate schools funded by agribusiness and pharmaceuticals.
    *There are many wellness disciplines rising, such as ND s, OD s, and compounding pharmacists who specialize in understanding supplements. Network to find someone who is competent and trustworthy.

GSB has a CD set :
A Mom’s Protocol for Attention Problems

and has a recommended Book of the Month by a medical doctor who teaches wellness without medication when possible.

Brain Balance

Eric and Anna Bauereis of Brain Balance Austin tell us about their experiences helping their son and now how they can help many other children. Apparently discovering unbalanced development between the hemispheres of the brain can point to ways learning can be improved and frustration for children to be decreased. Brain Balance starts with nutrition and then adds an individualized program, based on multi-faceted assessments. Brain Balance is a franchise based on the work of Dr. Melillo.
Here is the book that Anna recommended: The Disconnected Kid.