Category Archives: character education

Call to Arms for Parents and Educators

We have all seen the reality of the dark side. Today we unpack a Christian’s response, particularly for our children and their education. Primarily it is a spiritual battle. The trick of the enemy is to make us like him, like a devil. So “fighting evil” is itself a trap. Scripture, however, tells us exactly how to go forward in victory. We unpack 2 Timothy 3. (Rerun from 2012)

Something CAN Be Done

People become overwhelmed, whether because they are lazy or because they are faced with much, and then they have a choice to either look for an answer or to say, “Well, nothing can be done.” To choose to not look for an answer will ensure that no answer is found. Something CAN be done. Just looking for an answer is something. Having faith is something.

Nearly always, when you accept responsibility and thus look around, you will find that God gives you an answer, a strategy, and hence, victory. At the very very least, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are doing the best possible.

Do not give up, and then cover it up with platitudes. Instead, ask God for an answer. Ask God what you can do. Do it and believe.

The Blessing Economy

How to teach your children about success from a place of a Biblical understanding of the Blessing Economy.

It occurs to me that public school is an economy of cursing. Cursing is permitted, cursing children by labeling them is required, and the system drags down even the most well-meaning teacher into discarding children who require extra attention. This is not God’s economy. God’s economy is one of blessing. We start from God’s loving each one of us. We go forward knowing his rules are for our benefit. We proceed thru a life’s calling that is service and contribution and thus glory. Our end is resting in his glory/goodness/blessing. Think about it.

How to Bless Your Children

As we send our children off to school, let’s send them with a spoken blessing, so they move from the beloved identity of being a child of God. We talk a lot about original sin, and surely the Fall was real, but Jesus’ finished work is more real. So now, we should focus on the original blessing that the Lord gave us in creation, and the ongoing blessing we have a being in Christ. And let’s speak that into the world, and no more importantly than in our homes, over our children.