Obviously, keeping our children alive, safe, and well is of utmost importance. While this is beyond my level of ability to check out scientifically, at least in the short run, it seems believable to me. It seems to match with the facts as I know them. It is passed along by what I consider to be reputable sources. Knowing this will allow you to take precautions that themselves are not wild or unknown. Thus, it is wiser to pass it along than not.

The covid vax is reported to have a 1,000% increase in nuerological disorders, as well as a death rate that is high enough that no other vax would have been permitted to stay on the market. That, in itself, suggests that conversation about the vax is included in what this broadcast should be discussing. Intelligent and diligent mothers would be looking into this topic.

Dr. Ardis DC was interviewed by Stew Peters and it was broadcast last lnight 4/11/22 on   also posted on Bitchute,com and is being quoted widely.

Says that covid, covid vax and Remdesivir have viper venom in them. Basically, he discovered this when he was pointed to the research and found that anti-venom is polyclonal antibodies, while monoclonal antibodies work for coivd 19, was promoted by Gov. DeSantis, but subsequently forbidden by Biden.

Ardis says that KingCobra or Crate (Chinese) snake is used.

This venom paralyzes the diaphragm thru attaching to specific brain receptors. The venom was put in city water supplies.

Substances that block the receptors:

Nicotine   heavy smokers have clogged receptors,

Ivermectin       used as a horse de-womer, and also for an unrelated use in humans; some humans have been substituting other vermifuges because there seems to be a work, like animal that causes the clots, but for this purpose, blocking the receptors, a substitute would not be recommended

Zinc                 you need mor than in  over the counter cough drops

Too much is toxic

Quercetin        available in health food stores

NAC   N-acetyl-L-choline is what I see in the stores. Note, that it needs a lot of water drunk with it. Of course, drink only purified water.

Hydroxycholorquine  (HCQ is available from frontline doctors and maybe other brave doctors,  quinine is available in some tonic waters, and quinine bark is sometimes available; other malarial drugs derisved from quinine can be purchased at pharmacies for traveling)

Vitamin C


Bentonite Clay

Corticoid steroid

Budesonide  (nebulized)

Here is the link:  April 12

HERE IS ARDIS’ ANTIDOTE INFO Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war. 4/12 confirmation on Stew Peters Feb 28, 22 dec 21


Notice that other eye witnesses match the facts, even when they have slightly different interpretations.  Other nurses have called Remdesivir : “run death is near.”

Also, to put someone on a ventilator, a bunch of drugs are used that paralyze the diaprham. Then they are left on the vent too long, and infection sets in. Often they are not given water or food. No surprise then, they die.

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