Tag Archives: visual imagery

Here is Help for Trauma – New Method Especially Helps Children

Dr. Lendell Braud, Ph.D. has a scientifically tested but fun way to help people with trauma, especially children. Whyen she discovered that many of the children she was working with had learning disabilities, she innovated a new form of therapy, using visual imagery –rather than talk therapy. It turned out that the visual images worked very well. Since then, Dr. Braud has offered many scientific papers on this new method. This advance is very hopeful not only for so many children who are traumatized but also for many people who have not found help in the usual talk therapy. She had many years of experience with children especially, has had a career teaching at the university level, and has contributed to scientific knowledge. Today she talks with us on a level that anyone can understand and make use of.

For more information, please go to her new website: createanimagetherapy.com.

If you are interested in contacting her for counseling, she is available in Conroe, Texas. If you are a counselor/therapist and would like to be trained in her method, please contact her at 936-447-4404 to join her list so she can let you know when/where she will next be offering a training in her method.

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