Tag Archives: Autism

Dr. Garry Gordon MD: Autism has a effective and inexpensive treatment

I have promised to relay what Dr. Garry Gordon, MD has said in his book Detox with Oral Chelation about autism. This I will do now.

Please note first, that the book does not mainly deal with problems of children, but rather, mainly with coronary difficulties. Nevertheless, this appears to me to be a reputable and pioneering researcher and clinician and I thought my readers would want to know. Before I type in some quotations tonight, let me also type in the “Warning – Disclaimer” published on the title page verso. It seems to be necessary in today’s world that anyone passing along what might be considered controversial or cutting edge or natural remedies, medicine, or health related information must be careful not to get into trouble. Here is the Warning — Disclaimer: Smart Publication has designed this book to provide information in regard to the subject mattered covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publish and the author are not liable for the misconception misuse of the information provided. Every effort has been to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible. The purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author and Smart Publications shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage caused, or alleged to have been sauced, directly or indirectly, by the information contained In this book. The Great Shalom also will make this same claim. No claim is made to being a doctor or giving medical advice by Sharon Sarles or by The Great Shalom. Nor do we offer any surety for Dr. Gordon; we know only what we have read in this book. Nor is there enough information herein to make reliable medical decisions from info posted in this blog. It is, however, within our mission to share ideas that might lead to better parenting practices, which certainly might include seeking out information relating to health and forming better questions to pose to your health and wellness professionals. Just as we have interview experts in the past, we will post interesting material on our blog. Comment is invited. It is the logic of blogging that educated conversation should tend to increase in knowledge. Yes?

Here is the quote. Dr. Garry Gordon M.D. De-Tox with Oral Chelation c2009 Appendix D P. 215

“I have review extensive documentation, from Doctor’s Data involving over 10,000 data points from our autism protocol research. The children on that program always saw substantial improvement, even after all prior attempts had failed completely (or even made the child worse), no matter the age. Whether the patient is 5 years old or 20, the potential for favorable response to the program does not diminish, although, admittedly, the protocol for autism requires more detail that I am covering in this article. That protocol requires great attention to all details, as covered on my DVDs and in the books on autism that I have co-authored (please see www.gordonresearch.com).

The program that I have helped teach, and have written about extensively, has convinced me that there are genetic issue involving methylation [216] lin all autism children. I find those same genetic issues also contribute to many other chronic, neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, etc. These mutations impair the body’s ability to excrete heavy metals and control vial infection. These set the stage for lowered immunity,which then permits the infection we all carry to take off. Effective methylation is essential for effective detoxification as well as for infection control throughout life. A total program is necessary, take a few years to gradually but continuously achieve success.

The autistic children studied generally have also been shown to have live virus. Some of their viral load seems to be the same as the virus injected with their MMR vaccinations. These vaccinations for a time were being given with thimerosal – (an oganomercurial; i.e., mercury). Of course no one is doing routine genetic testing yet on all newborns, so no one knew that these children were genetically “at risk.” The environmental degradation that pollutes our environment with increasing mercury simply sets the stage for more children to be unable to handle the stress of vaccines. Although since much of the thimerosal has now been removed from those vaccines, there seems to be some decrease in the overall incidence of autism. However, environmental toxicity just increases. For instance, we have the new coal-burning power plants in India and China that may fill that “Void” and bring mercury levels back up to that time when all vaccines contained mercury.

The vaccines clearly have often been reported by parents to be the straw that pushed the child over the brink. Soon after vaccines, these children change; they lose speech. Many different infections are complicated the diagnosis and treatment of heavy metal poisoning; there are numerous infections documented to hold heavy metals. Study this by learning that Coxackie infections can hold 70 times too much cadmium in the infected tissues. This is a vital point about detoxification requiring concurrent treatment of the pathogen load if we hope to get at the critical heavy metals that are impairing function such as loss of speech in a child. These infections fool doctors into believing there are no more heavy metals to treat, leaving patient treated incompletely.

It is shocking but true that often the toughest children we have treated would have previously shown only very little or no mercury excretion p. 217 after IV DMPOS, with the well-meaning doctors who treated them. Sometimes doctors gave up and mistakenly informed th parents that there was no mercury in their autistic child. They conclude erroneously that any heavy metal detoxification with chelation would not help. I hope this article helps get the right information out to everyone.

That information was totally wrong. The total detoxification program we developed always increased excretion of heavy metals, and when this begins, we see substantial clinical improvement follow. We only need to use gentle oral EDTA, malic acid/and/or garlic, MSM, lipoic acid, etc. (i.e., ODP) as our primary oral treatment, and over time, we almost invariably star to find mercury released, or tin or antimony or cadmium or aluminum or lead. These metal were not coming up with previous use of IV chelators because of genetics and infection problems. There is always increased excretion of toxic metals seen with the correct program, sometimes more in feces than in urine.”

Detox with Oral Chelation by David Jay Brown and Garry Gordon, M.D. Smart Publications P.O. Box 4667 Petaluma, CA 04055 www.smart-publications. C2009 ISBN 1-890572-20-9 LC 2008929521 Portion quoted was previously published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, volume 287, June 2007, pages 112-120.

Dr. Gordon Mentions Toxicity Source

Birds in remote mountain areas of the United States have been found to have frighteningly high levels of mercury.  Researchers have proven that mercury and other heavy metals in these bird at high elevations are proven to be coming from coal-burning power plants from as far away as China.  In fact, radio istotpe analysis ofthe mercury proves we too are consuing mercury coming from the burning of coal in far off China. Chan and India are slated to bring online hundred of new coal burning power plants over the next few years.  There is a report that as little as one new coal burning plant in Texas seems to increase the incidence of autism there by 17%. These new plants will dump tons of mercury into the environment.

“This information makes me considerably less agressive about removing just one source of pollution.  I do not focus excessively on just one source of toxicity, whether it be vaccines or fillings or fish.  Our genetics, environment, and diet are the interplay that largley determines the outcome from our ongoing continuous heavy metal exposures, which are all cumulative” ( Brown & Gordon,  Detox with Oral Chelation c2009, p. 214f).

Editor’s comment: Please read this carefully and in context. Dr. Gordon has not said “all our toxicity problems come from China.” Rather, he says that among other sources, such as roadways next to gardens, such as pollution from industry here, we are also swamped with pollution from the far away places of the earth. Thus, he concludes that the solution is not a single campaign against a single culprit, but rather an ongoing de-toxification program for nearly everyone.

Notice also, that here appears to be a seasoned, pioneering researcher on heart problems, who has apparently, almost in an off-handed manner, has concluded a hot debate about vaccines and autism.  BTW, other research that I know about pointed in this very direction: not one cause, but interplay of genes and a swamp of pollution, with vaccines being only a very noticable player.”

Wouldn’t you like to know if he said anything else about autism?

Is it True? How do you Tell?

First, does it agree with God’s Word? Jesus is The Word, and Holy Spirit is the Teacher, and the written word does not disagree. Over many centuries, and over 40 authors and yet an integrated message system! With so many things hidden in plain sight! Those who trust it, find it trustworthy. Even those who do not believe at all must admit that it is the time honored ethical tradition of a community that has persisted miraculously, and an understanding that has matured over time.

Okay, you might say, but people argue over this. I would suggest that most items are clear in the Bible. Nevertheless, you may read it for yourself. There are many translations into common vernacular, and indeed a great many easily accessible word and grammar studies in the original languages, so pointing to the argumentation of others is merely a cop-out.

Further, most ethical questions are clear. It is lack of appetite, even modern distaste, rather than lack of understanding. There are, of course, ethical dilemmas, but they are more rare than the focus on them suggests. The larger problem is that of the tendency to ignore the ethical.

Maybe the question is not one of ethics or doctrine or lifestyle? Well, probably there IS a root there, but okay, you want to know something in the scientific realm. Then the next question.

Secondly, is it good science? This is vital that you can determine the answer for yourself. Once again, many people claim much, but YOU are responsible for deciding. What is the criteria? Science deals with the empirical (what you can count and measure – so only what is observable), experimental, what is falsifiable (good experiments are not circular reasoning), and must be replicable, and is always open to new experiments. Notice that science, while powerful in the real of what we observe, is completely incompetent in other realms such as ethics. Secondly, science is based on experiments. Even this is very often overlooked in modern times. Many people are against research in general, yet wish to claim they are scientific. Do not go for this. Good research are public and state in detail every step of the experiment. They must! Why? So other scientists can replicate the experiment. If they can not, it does not stand. And science, good science, anyway is always open to new understand, based on new observation. Notice, however, that Einstein was laughed at over the theory of relativity, because it did not fit into the paradigms of the science of that day. Since then, of course, there have been experiments that have supported that theory. Similarly, Ignaz Simmelweis was run off, discredited and died in an insane asylum because “science” meaning the respected professionals of the field did not want to accept his observations (germ theory 1847). But real science is based on experiments, replicated, and of course, there have been many such observations, virtually proving the germ theory, since the time that hapless Simmelweis was discredited. So be sure you are parsing what is real science the experimental sdisicpone and “Science” the respected institution that is funded and supports whatever reigning worldview and political administration happens to exist at that time. That is why you need to be able to read the report yourself and determine where this is good science.

How? First go to the peer reviewed journal – meaning professional scientific periodicals that publish science. Look at the hypothesis and ask if it has face validity is whether or not it makes sense. For instance, crime rate and ice cream sales are positively correlated, but no one seriously thinks that ice cream sales causes violent crime or that violent crime causes ice cream sales. Of course, both rise in July and August because of the temperature. Correlation does not causation make. Other thing to ask is whether the study has reliability. Were the measures good, or in other words would it measure the same thing the same way all the time. In physics, no one would use a rubber rules. In Sociology, one must be very careful with survey questions, for instance, to be sure that the measure is reliable. Look to see if the number of cases is high. A thousand, randomly selected is probably statistically representative. If this is not the case, then make conclusions cautiously. Then see if other scientist are also doing similar experiment. What if you can’t read those scientific journals? Well, you probably can, but in substitute, look for a train of citations to peer reviewed journals. I f you have them, then you can be fairly sure you have good science – well as good as human social networks can be. Peer reviewed means that several other scientists in the field read the article and thought it was good enough o be printed in their prestigious periodical. They say they take the names off before they send it to the readers. There are many more criticisms of good papers not being published than the other way around. Publishing something that is shoddy or falsified would be a huge embarrassment.

What if there is no scientific data? Then you may have to rely on the trustworthiness of your informant. Courts of law often have to do this. Those who work there train themselves to look for discrepancies in testimonies. For a very long time, people have assumed that those in authority are more trustworthy than those not. Then more lately others have assumed the reverse. Neither default may be reliable. I sometimes look for “motive” or in other words, ask why a person might be saying what they are. Does it benefit them for you to believe one thing or another? Do they have accurate evidence? A good question is to ask people “how do you know?” You will find that surprisingly, alarmingly, most people have little knowledge about what they are telling you – regardless of degree, position, or emotion.

You might notice how much they care for you. This should influence your judgment. You mother tells you to wear your cap, whether or not her information is true, because she loves you and wants you to stay well. It may not be true at all that if your ears get cold you will get a cold, but how you respond to your mother has less to do with the veracity of the claim than her motive for making it. By extension, irrationality combined with heightened emotion, is not really an argument. Comfort may be called for, rather than inquiry via discussion. Conversely, notice if your interlocutor has no argument other than ridicule; ridicule only masquerades as an argument. Furthermore, someone who arguing one side of a controversial issue may very well be trying to trick you our of money or avoid a lawsuit. Get a disinterested and knowledgeable party, then, for better information.

Finally, wait until you hear the whole story. Almost always in our complex society, the news that comes first is one sided. Indeed, remember that most news media is commercial, so see above. But even if it is a friend that runs up and tells you they were robbed, even if you rush to comfort him, before you make a complete judgment, wait until the accused friend comes to say he was first defrauded. Wait and consider the whole story. Sometimes, rather than another person, it is another perspective that shows up. For instance, just now I read a discussion: O, vaccines are okay, they don’t have more aluminum than breast milk. Another says “I don’t believe that!” If breast milk has much metals in it, that does not make anything okay, rather it shows that we have too much toxicity in our body – quite the reverse of saying it is okay to inject more. Further, it may not be aluminum that is worrisome in vaccines. And it may not be a vaccine alone, or vaccines alone that may be a problem with the underlying issue (of whether autism is caused or exacerbated by toxins.)

If you stopped too soon, and concluded only that a certain vaccine has little aluminum in them, however factual that may be, you still may be making several mistakes: 1) the assumption then that the vaccine is safe – while no such claim was made, but only implied, 2) that research inquiring into the safety of such is ill intentioned – which was not even addressed, and 3) that everyone who is involved in the controversy (on the opposite side) is a wild eyed crazy (trustworthiness.), or that 4) it is silly to inquire into manufacture & policy regarding the safety of children (ethical argument ignored.) Although this is an ongoing and very real and current debate, it is a good illustration. The topic really is important. Many children are suffering. We may not know exactly why. You, however, may be responsible for a child and have to weigh concerns on both sides – and are tasked with making a decision. How much more weighty than merely writing a term paper! But the skills are the same. Check the ultimate guide, and don’t ignore the ethical questions. Dig to find what real science says, rather than being cowed by claims. Consider the trustworthiness of sources and their motives. Don’t speak too soon. Do not be shamed that cautious statements are “waffling;” but at the same time, when heart and brain line up, don’t be ashamed to be a leader. Once you are, and once you have been diligent, confidence is useful.