I posted the Easter Monday podcast early, on Good Friday. It seems that it might be a good thing to continue to post the podcast on Friday, rather than as I have been doing, on Monday. The broadcast comes out Sunday evening and Monday morning, CT. Some stay at home mothers gather to listen to the broadcast in their living rooms on Monday morning. That is great! Let’s hear more of that! However, since most parents and educators are working at that time frame, I think that Sunday evening, gathered around the dining table, with the children doing homework or gone to bed, is a great time for my listeners to be hearing the ‘cast. So I’m going to do what I can to make that a possible tradition. Those of you who grab the ‘cast through “podding” can then do that if I move up the posting schedule.
Hope this works for you; seemed like an improvement to me.
This week, would you podcast subscribers send me some word from you? Let me know you are out there. Email me at info@greatshalom.org or post something on the blog or even Tweet me.
Thanks! Love to you and yours! Blessings from the Almighty, King of the Universe who is Love and pursues us in love. Glory to God!