Help Children in Israel who are Traumatized

We are running an old episode in response to the current event of the demonic genocidal mass terror attack on unarmed kibutzim families and the response of the State of Israel. We were blessed many years ago with an interview from David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, who has established a therapeutic center for children traumatized by violence in Israel. They accept, without pay necessary, both Jewish and non-Jewish children. Yes, they accept Arab, Palestinian or other children who are injured and want help.

Mr. Rubin was in Austin years ago, sharing how he and his small child was shot by a terrorist while they were going to the dentist. They lived, somehow, miraculously. It turned out that he was the 1,000th patient in the hospital and was thus interviewed by the press.  His 2 year old child had been shot through the neck and took some years of therapy to return to optimum.  In response, he founded this center for children. He brought in doctors, psychologists, and also horses, etc. for all children in such need.


Doubtless, they will have more patients, given the current situation. Please send money directly to them, via their American arm.

I am so touched to see the outpouring of money, as posted on their website, even today.


David Rubin was born in Ohio, and moved to Israel as a young adult. There was nothing at Shiloh at that time. He joined a few other “caravans”  (what US folks call “RVs”) that began a settlement. They braved a great deal, including random shootings over the year, and have established a little city. Since Rubin’s sustaining life threatening injury, having in response established a therapy center for children, and raising funds in the US, other friends have chosen to go there and help in the harvest of grapes, apparently at Shiloh.

God knows. God rewards the good and recompenses the bad — eventually — I believe. When someone writes the “h” at the end of Shiloh, it signifies that God is involved.

Please make a generous gift. Feel free to add, in comments here, messages of cheer, love, and wellness to children.

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