From Jennifer Miskov is a great article talking about what October 31st is: A catalytic day of Reformation and revival! Within her article, she recounts times when God moved miraculously in addition to Martin Luther’s nailing of his thesis to the church on 10/31/1517 when the Reformation began. She also includes prayer points from Evan Roberts that he sent ahead of him to the children in the towns he was going to visit. When the children prayed this prayer, revival broke out before he even arrived.

October 31, a day to celebrate Martin Luther, revival, and reformation


Did you know that October 31 is a day of reformation, revival and destiny? Contrary to popular views, October 31 is not the “day of the devil.” It is God’s day full of inheritance where He birthed two major reformation and revival movements that are still impacting us today, hundreds of years later.

There is great momentum for us to step into on this significant day in revival history. October 31 is a time for revolutionary shifts to happen. It is a day pregnant with world-changing movements, waiting to be catalyzed as we fiercely follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, even in unusual ways. It is a day of religious freedom and of freedom from the religious spirit. It is a day when God is waiting for His yielded lovers to pursue His heart with reckless abandonment.

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