English Spelling Patterns — Available Now

Have you ever wondered why English was so crazy? Have you ever wondered how to spell something? Have you ever torn your hair out trying to teach someone to spell? Have you ever known what struggle it is to learn English?

Now you have help! While there are not hard and fast rules, there are patterns. And they are listed in a short book, a book you will want to have as a reference, and to give to all your children and grandchildren. Sharon Sarles’ English Spelling Patterns is now available on amazon.com

The above icon should give you a picture of the book and link you directly to the amazon.com page. If not, please go to www.amazon.com, and search for Sharon Sarles English Spelling Patterns. Available in paperback and on Kindle.

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About ssarles

Dyslexic, "brain damaged"; Life Mensan, Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Delta, Graduated The University of Texas at Austin with Highest Honors (=Summa cum Laude) and Honors in Sociology

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