Category Archives: food

Study: Omega-3 Reverses Brain Gene Damage Derived From Fructose Intake — Dr. Don Colbert

In the Western diet, fructose is consumed on a daily basis which is seen to alter brain genes (also linked to many different diseases). Food products line the grocery aisles which are sweetened with the corn syrup product. Fructose is found in a wide range of drinks, desserts, syrup products, baby foods, and honey. According…

via Study: Omega-3 Reverses Brain Gene Damage Derived From Fructose Intake — Dr. Don Colbert

Thanks, Dr. Colbert. I recently was brought up short to realize that I too had been tricked into low fat, high grain, and even high sugar diet — when I have known all along that there was no evidence that animal fat meant higher cholesterol meant higher problems with heart!!!! Yet there is SO MUCH disinformation out there that you think you are doing a good thing by eating low fat, and low animal source. And then you are taught that high grain is healthy and holy. And then you think, well, a little sugar, it won’t hurt. And then you wonder why you have belly fat and brain fog!  ARRGH.

Colbert has it right on science and right on spirituality. We have got to separate lies from truth. Please share! We want health babies and healthy grands!

Recommended books:

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<a href="http://Let Food Be Your Medicine: Dietary Changes Proven to Prevent or Reverse Disease“>Let Food be Your Medicine

Here is the link done with method 2 (using link button) AND THEN DELETING some of coding and the text, as suggested by forum member:

<a href="http://Let Food Be Your Medicine: Dietary Changes Proven to Prevent or Reverse Disease

Here is an attempt at getting a tile link for the book
Reducing Inflammation by Don Colbert.

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert Weigh in on Starting the Day Right with Your Child

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert graciously called in for an interview in 2009, Here is the replay.

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert Wonderful guests on an early broadcast of GSB. Be inspired about breakfast!

Here is a recent book from Dr. Colbert:
Let Food Be Your Medicine: Dietary Changes Proven to Prevent or Reverse Disease