Variety of Views on MonkeyPox

Just a beginning of curating views on moneypox. “This is clear fear porn.”

I discovered that when I put “malone monkey pox not likely” in qwant… I got ALL conventional articles and nothing about Malone. Gee… just like go0gle.

Another view is that monkey pox is really shingles that come from the Covid jab. This came from online. Will get citation if possible.

Another view, contributed by someone who said she was a retired professor of organic chemistry: The body has an inbuilt power to detox itself. T cells (generated from fighting off an bio-attacker like a virus) stays in the body for 30 years.

We will collect views and let you do the critical thinking. (Apparently it is not accepted to say “do your own research”; apparently doing so is somehow bad conspiracy theory now.) Please feel free to post your own, well vetted, cited view.

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