Still being hijacked

I just got an email, supposedly from trying to sell me erectile medications. Right. Not.
Of course you know I would not send you — or myself — such an email.
Check carefully the email address and often you see who really sent it. More careful hackers can cover that up. There is nothing I can do about someone using an email address that I or the ministry owns.
We do take great care to protect the website and the user registrations on it. Of course, I have ultimate fire wall and anti-virus, so nothing coming out of my machine is infected. But I haven’t been sending out any emails at all for years.
BTW, we are GDPR compliant, even though we are in the US.
Just fyi.
Love and blessings,

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About ssarles

Dyslexic, "brain damaged"; Life Mensan, Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Delta, Graduated The University of Texas at Austin with Highest Honors (=Summa cum Laude) and Honors in Sociology

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