LaLanne v. “man processed, overcooked foods”

Get a load of this! Jack Lalanne was saying get away from the “man processed food” way back in the 1950s.


The way I say it is: “Eat food like God made it.”

Notice, also, the plug for not overcooking food. Today, where I live, there have been a strong group of raw foodies for years.

I wonder about the Sabbath directives: no work, no lighting of fires, but feasting. I wonder if God intended for us to eat raw food, mostly salads, one day a week. Well, I don’t find that, so no rule, just speculation.

While I am at it, I have always wondered what the children of Israel ate in the Persian empire, since they were not eating the kings delicacies. I presume they wanted to follow Mosaic law and not eat shellfish, pork and so on. But delicacies? Were they cutting down on sugar? Eating more salads? Any one know?

Thanks, Mr. LaLanne!

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