Downloadable Products Available.

Now, we have 3 sets of downloadable products available for you as you stand with, pray for, and teach your children.
1. When the Road to Reading Gets Rocky. A protocol of what to do, from checking on foundational nutrition, to presenting reading in an non-confusing way, and what other things to check and where to go. Don’t wait! Don’t let your child learn that learning is not fun or that s
2. What the Bible Says about Healing. 5 messages, classic but fresh, and right out of the Bible
3. How to Pray Powerfully. 4 messages, well received!

See store.

Books still available on (God Wants you Healed, Learn at Home for Great Shalom, How to Contend for your Children, Legacy Group Bible Study and Workbook) (English Spelling Patterns, How Prophets and Pastors Can Work Together, and How to Start a Daycare/Preschool as a Mission)

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About ssarles

Dyslexic, "brain damaged"; Life Mensan, Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Delta, Graduated The University of Texas at Austin with Highest Honors (=Summa cum Laude) and Honors in Sociology

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