Category Archives: Mission of this ministry

Merry Christmas: God Loves Your Child

Merry Christmas! God LOVES your child! That is what it is all about.

What I want to do more than anything else in this broadcast ministry is to convey to you that God loves you and your child more than anything.  God is powerful; God is good; God is loving.  Therefore, there is healing for every problem, especially learning problems.  Therefore there is wisdom for every childrearing problem.  All you have to do is receive it by faith.

This is the same pattern. All Christians talk about salvation.  That means rescue. You are exhorted, begged even, to recieve salvation by faith. That is the whole Christian message.  Jesus came as a baby; God coming in the humble circumstances of a mortal human being. Then Jesus took upon himeself all our sin, all our punishment, all our greif, all our sickness and all our poverty. Thus he died the most excuriating death. But! He rose again from the dead. He was seen by many people.  Many people’s lives were changed. And still are. And we work hard, together,  to grow up to be like Him in one body. We expect Him to come again to reign in glorious condition, but not until we are ready. Hallelujah! That is the best ever!

And notice, this is no legend/myth. This is an understanding rooted in history. The God of Israel is a God who intervenes in history. Not just of nations, but also of individuals.

So, on behalf of that same God, I declare to you that God loves you. God loves your child. God has already made provision for healing for your child. God has already made provision for your wisdom, strength and grace as a parent. So I beg you, recieve the Love.

That is what Christmas is about. That is what Easter is about. That is what Pentecost is about. That is what Tabernacles is about. That is what this ministry is about. God loves you. Recieve the love.

Be healed. Be delivered. Be saved. Whatever you need, Jesus brought it. Wow! What a Christmas gift!