Big news today 1) Roe v Wade is overturned, and decision making power is handed back to the states. BTw, the founders did know about abortion. They didn’t make a law about it because they either thought it was so unlikely that it would be a common practise or they thought that in the very rare case it should be ignored. They didn’t think it was a right, for sure, or they would have put that into the Constitution.
In other news, GoVictory showed a clip of testimony before a state house subcommittee that the triple vaxxed are the most likely to die. It is not clear to me if this was testimony today or previous testimony. Tennessee does video and stream all of their subcommmittee hearings and these videos are probably collected in a state library. The health subcommittee has heard hours of doctor testimony — and sometimes they have had doctors who flew in and been refused a hearing — and the testimony has been anti-vax and anti-hospital. Citizens allege that hospitals were killing people brought in with covid, or subsequently had a positive test even without symptoms. Indeed hospitals were refusing to honor medical power of attorneys, refusing normal visitation apparently n order to continue with policies like long term ventilation, heavy drugging, and failure to give food and water. The largest industry in that state is the medial industry, eclipsing both publishing and music.
minutes 13 for vax testimony
This weekend the GOP of Texas voted a vaccine choice plank into their platform, an anti-overreach re: shutdowns, and a plank decrying the legitimacy of the current presidential administration.
For more: Texas for Vaccine Choice
Republican party of Texas