*This is Bannon’s War Room, interviewing an actuary (math guy at health insurance company) and Dr. M*lone, the fellow who invented mR*N&A but got kicked off T*witter.
Actuary says that the insurance industry has never seen such high de*th r*te among the insured 18-64. Dr. Malone says clearly because these are the jabbed. Points out that Pfizer won’t sell this product except under the emergency use authorization. This authorization will end soon. Says this is a massive failure of public policy. The morality rate in the Us is among the highest in the world. So the overall morality rate is enormous.
Do you understand? C&vid deaths in 2020 overall was less than one onethousandth of the overall population, including the old and sick. Now, now, the death rate for the employed population with health insurance has spiked 40%. Already!
1/4/22 There is not justification for any age cohort to take the jab.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between conspiracy theories and reality
. — Dr. Robert Malone, MNRA inventor answers questions… Stew Peters Show