Hello and thanks to all the new blog subscribers. Glad to have you aboard.
You probably know that you have subscribed to the blog, on the website, and yes, from there you can hear the audio.
You can also, alternatively, subscribe to the RSS feed, and get just the podcast. You can do this with any computer and it comes to your computer (like into an iTunes software that you can download for free. However, Apple now has Applepodcast so you will have to check if it will work with old computers.) Or you can subscribe to the podcast with your ipod or phone like any other podcast — from various hosting platforms. The RSS feed on the website, on the right hand column is from Blubrry, but that really doesn’t matter to you for any reason I can tell. I just want to acknowledge Bluberry because they have helped me.
If you want just a portion of the audio casts, like only Bible study or only practical health measures, there are 4 choices. Check those you want if you want only some.
Or… just sit back and let all the blog come to you via email. Then you will get comments such as this, and not only the the weekly audio cast.
Thanks ever so much for subscribing. Feel free to send questions (about content, theology, etc). Please be patient with the limit tech knowledge; try to ask me as few tech questions as possible. LOL.
Merry Christmas, and once again, so glad you are on board.