Here in Texas, children went back to school today. College students return next week.
We pray blessing on children and their families. We pray blessings on teachers and those who are tasked with supporting them. Never before has the attack been on : to degrade, to dissuade from excellence, to obstruct the learning and prospering of children. However, we know that God triumphs. The devil overplays his hand, I always say. When things get too bizzarely bad, people turn to divine help. This is such a time. We pray for our children. We claim God’s Psalm 91 promises of protection; we claim God’s Jeremiah 29:11 plans for good; we claim Jesus’ promise of “great works” and “Comforter leading us into all truth.” HalleluJah! We remember that as we resist evil, having submitted to God who is ALL love, evil frees. Love never fails. Glory! Amen.