Be the Village in Education

This is a broadcast ministry having to do with the healing of children. As you know, I got into this because of my family’s needs. As I go along, I see more need for healing or righting in the arena of public education. Our public policy has been wrongheaded. We see that at least half of the citizenry who votes thinks so. (I noticed that some Sanders’ supporters voted for Trump. This means that people want change. Indeed Obama and B. Clinton came to office on a change ticket.) I think, however, we are not clear on what will bring the change we need. In a time of turmoil over real AND IMAGINARY problems, and great blame and little responsibility, maybe it will be good news to hear that we can be the village we wish to live in. That is our message for this week.

Please share with anyone who is interested in children or education — or is praying for revival. Or talking about 7 mountains.

My book, The Government is not a Village is available for sale at

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