I did not and never would promote or sell pharmaceuticals of any kind. I am working with our email forwarding service to fix the problem. Please know this, that any email I do send out uses top notch virus checker, so we do not have that problem. The problem is that since we will take emails from any source, because a listener anywhere might want to email me, then there is a hole for hackers to get in and steal the address, and then send their spam out with our email. They are stupid enough to send that spam to me too, so I know I’ve been violated. I know the service provider prevents many such attacks and is concerned about the problem. It would be a severe solution to stop using info@greatshalom.org, since there are so many broadcasts out there with that info, and any other address we use would eventually have the same problem. So, anyway, my deepest apologies. Please know that Great Shalom would NEVER EVER sell controlled substances nor anything sexual. I think my listeners know that. I apologize, too, for the spam. We are working on it.
Thanks for your understanding. Sister Sharon