Porter Stansberry, owner of the largest investment newsletter company in the country, says that he has never been so bearish; that a stock market crash bigger than 2008 is on the way because of the world’s overweightedness in debt; that if you can’t monitor your investments (and subscribe) then his readers should get out of the market entirely.
About similar news, Pastor Currington (West Texas Church at the Barn) said he just turned it off; didn’t want to participate in that confession.
I can tell you what to invest in that will definitely pay dividends — ha — way more than dividends. “Hundredfold” is 100 TIMES, what was invested. Invest in righteousness, in holiness, in God’s economy. Of course, you should invest in your children, but you can not be absolutely sure, in the natural, that it will pay off. But if you have invested your life in God, then you can continue to believe, now matter what you see. Claims Gods’ promises over your children and grandchildren. This is a sure bet.
We are praying, in faith, in confidence, based on the sure promises of a just God and gracious Father: grace and glory on your household.