Used to have Asperger’s

Dave Asprey says he “used to have Asperger’s.”  Check out his podcast this week  
on glutathione. Remember, that book my doctor recommended back in 2006 that at that point knew that something was up with glutathione re-uptake and digestion problems with gluten and caisein? They didn’t know what caused Autism, but of all the therapies tried, at that time, the one that worked the most often was…. cheltation therapy (according to aggregated data on the back cover.) So, toxicity must be the problem.  (yay! Now available without cloak, dagger, or secret code!)

Well, science has marched on, and we know a little more about cell function. Dave Asprey, as is fairly usual for him, is talking with a cutting edge researcher,  however, has already taken a deep dive (in more ways that one LOL) and tried out experiments of his own. Listen carefully and you will hear him say that he “used to have Asperger’s) which often is considered “on the spectrum” or a part of autism.

Most people want you to believe that autism is incurable and “just happens.” Probably not so. And good.

My gosh! Dave Asprey has addressed this directly! A real find!


A brilliant man, no doubt, even if one disagrees with much of what he says, Dave Asprey has offered us a great deal in publishing so many interviews with cutting edge scientists. Absolutely, I think most parents and even most educators will want to check out what he has to say. And for this, he said it clearly : “Liposomal glutathione is the form we used during both our pregnancies, and we still take it regularly as it helps with inflammation and aids in detoxification of your body.” Imagine! take a supplement and boom!  Better than suffering for a lifetime, eh?