Tag Archives: Healing

Bible Promises Healing

Folks, we know ultimate Truth is in the Bible. Forces in our society have long despised that. They sold us the myth of amoral facts. Now, their ideology has so taken over their minds as if that were ultimate truth, they are making war on facts.

We believe in healing, and will take it any way it comes. We believe that God has miraculous healing power, but that God as creator set things up to work. And would help us heal ourselves and our lands if we but work in harmony with Godly wisdom.

But there are some powers that be that would attack us for telling the truth. So this week, under attack, we have to pull our episode that is factual and return to ultimate truth.

Hope it helps.

Jesus talking about Isaiah 53

Just in case you had some concerns about the interpretation of Isaiah 53 as being about physical healing, let’s see what Jesus had to say, recorded in Matthew 8.

Now, if you have heard the challenges of the greatest pile of man’s learning, then let me answer each of those. Okay, so you say maybe this is just the words of Matthew. Okay, so given that Jesus did not write anything, why would an eyewitness’ evidence not be admissible? There is no real evidence that this was not written within one lifetime of Jesus, very possibly by the person whose name is on the book, Matthew, the tax collector. At any rate, we can tell that it was written by someone quite familiar with Jewish customs and understanding of the times. It would be absurd to think it was someone other than a Jew. If it had been wrong, it would have been disputed by eyewitnesses.

Notice that there are 4 witnesses, four gospels. While there are some theories about copying, there is no hard evidence. What there is not is any evidence of a dispute. J.A.T. Robinson, a very liberal scholar, has written that there is good evidence to believe that the gospel of John, the one written latest, probably was written by 100 AD. This makes all of the work reasonably contemporaenous, early enough for eye witnesses to dispute the claims if they were false.

In fact, the Gospel of Thomas, not considered canon, was found in Egypt, and also corroborates the sayings of Jesus. So we have plenty of reasoned evidence to suggest that we do have the words of Jesus.

Now, if Jesus, or even one of lifetime community, says that Isaiah 53 includes physical healing, who are we, and who is any modern scholar or supposed minister, to say otherwise?

Take heart. Jesus bought your healing. Let’s just get close enough to catch what is being distributed.

Podcasts Available Now: We Are on Virtual Air Again

The long anticipated day has arrived. YAY! GSB will now be available in podcast format. As always, whenever I start “broadcasting” on a “new channel” I start with the testimony of my grandson’s healing. So that episode will be posted here. I will in addition put several other popular episodes on our host site, Blubrry.

Then we will continue with the weekly episode pattern, posting in time for the weekend. (Normally I upload on Thursday, but the idea is to be in time for the Friday/Saturday high useage time for social media. Originally GSB aired on Sunday morning on the Christian Teaching and Talk FM station in Austin. This is what originally set the pattern.)

So delighted to be able to reach out again. Please alert all interested parties. Remember, GSB originally aimed at encouraging parents and educators to have faith for their children’s academic success. We have branched out a bit from that. Let me know if there is more interest in The GSB 4 Grandparents. We may be able to podcast that line too.

May the Lord bless you. PLEASE SHARE!!! Tell people who need to know about this cast. Thanks very much.