Category Archives: sexual purity

People Are Reaching Through the Screen To Get Your Kids Addicted to Porn

I am re-playing my talk with Dani Johnson, of multi-level marketing fame. As a marketer and a mother, perhaps no one speaks more credibly on the real danger of addiction to porn. She also gives some great ideas on how to talk to your children about it.
Please add, in the comment space, ideas you use to protect your children from this real, present, and intended danger.

Here are some important links:

And the more recent BaseCamp Live podcast :

And Covenant Eyes
Protect Young Eyes: They provide both software/apps and presentations for parents. Free videos are on the website for you now.

Remember: Only those who love the truth will not be deceived.

Call to Arms for Parents and Educators

We have all seen the reality of the dark side. Today we unpack a Christian’s response, particularly for our children and their education. Primarily it is a spiritual battle. The trick of the enemy is to make us like him, like a devil. So “fighting evil” is itself a trap. Scripture, however, tells us exactly how to go forward in victory. We unpack 2 Timothy 3. (Rerun from 2012)

Marketer Speaks Out Against Porn

Dani Johnson of multi-level marketing fame and mother of 5 speaks out against pornography: what the marketers are doing to addict your children and what she does with her own children. This was our most popular ‘cast; it ia rerun from 2009.

Here is a more current article, covering dangers of social media, pf which many parents are unaware. nowayismykidgettingthisapp : porn, bullying, and suicide

It is not true that parental controls are adequate. It is not true that if you peruse your child’s social media account that you see what went on. It is true that it is very difficult to un-see something after you have seen in.

I was particularly weirded out that the word “prude” was on the blog page. I remember when I was young, a more open view of sex, in short of extra-marital and public sex was encouraged by the use of the term “healthy minded.” Now, if you don’t want your child bullied, addicted to sex, or engaging in suicide… are you now to be branded a prude? Lord help us!

Happy Resurrection Day! More Announced!

Happy Resurrection Day!

This day we celebrate Jesus’ being raised from the dead. A majority of the world today celebrates a mind boggling miracle, that according to centuries old prophecies, Jesus the Messiah would raise from the dead. That He was the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. That He came back and said, “My God and your God, My Father and your Father.” And he said disciple people groups. And we were taught to follow him. And we united in remembering this.

We are also thanking God for a miracle in the United States, stifling the growing persecution against Christians here and the dropping of our alliance with Israel. Now, by a miracle, a Cyrus has arisen to thwart the plans of world enslavement by the globalists, a Churchill against the plan of monetary war, and a hindrance to the world’s most ruthless dictators. Today I announce also a revival coming.

Mega churches has suppressed Lord Holy Spirit, but the youth of America, and their parents and grandparents, too, are starved for the spiritual. We are tired of enslavement to drugs, to materialism, to encroaching poverty, and to sexual enslavement. In the 60s the sexual revolution looked enticing; today it looks tawdry, commonplace, and enslaving. In the 1950s, moving away from natural foods the way The Creator made them, looked like progress; today it looks like death. In the 1960s, I heard that God was dead. Today, our culture is dead and we need a Resurrection.

Good News! It is available.

I announce a repentance, a change of direction from away from God to God. I announce a repentance away from economic lies that prosperity can be had either by redistributing or by greed, but now a repentance toward productivity and giving. I announce a repentance from sexual profligacy towards faithful intimate relations. I announce a coming revival of clean cut dressing. I announce a revival toward happy pictures of musical artists. I announce wholesomeness in movies. I announce a repentance and turning toward more truthfulness in news broadcasting. I announce a repentance and a turning toward truthful history and nurturing schools.

The greatest resistance may be the religious traditions, but Truth will out and Love never fails.