Category Archives: podcast

Here’s Impact on Overcoming Learning Problems

How this podcast is unique in overcoming learning problems: not weighed down by negative expectations, fitting into a failed system, or patting on the hand instead of finding solutions. It is faith based and science informed. I give you my experiences and ideas from top professionals. All to help you help your child, your students to succeed in learning. Very important! Also, covers some ideas in how to engage, so you get more out of this than merely listening.

Here is the A-Z book helping you consider what your children needs educationally and how to address it: the book I was ordered to write: now titled Learn at Home for Great Shalom.

Agree, Sleep, and Stop Crazy the Screen Addiction — and everything becomes better

Practical Parenting… So Kids Stay Grounded In A Spinning World — Keith McCurdy

Dr. Keith McCurdy gives near panacea advice to families, youth : parents must agree, kids get 10 hours of sleep, and kids must do a social media fast… and then we can deal with whatever problems remain. Amazing. Rings true.
So, whether the problem is anxiety, ADD/ADHD, rebellion, mental illness or whatever else, if we start with a healthy baseline, then the problems reduce… and can be addressed.
Parental agreement (just on how to proceed in this instance rather than on everything) , sleep, and stopping the spinning crisis world of screens… yes, that looks exactly like the key to me.
McCurdy is a pyschologist and is interviewed by the Base Camp Live podcast, which centers on classical education. Everyone will profit.

Please see also, previous episode on gaming addiction.

People Are Reaching Through the Screen To Get Your Kids Addicted to Porn

I am re-playing my talk with Dani Johnson, of multi-level marketing fame. As a marketer and a mother, perhaps no one speaks more credibly on the real danger of addiction to porn. She also gives some great ideas on how to talk to your children about it.
Please add, in the comment space, ideas you use to protect your children from this real, present, and intended danger.

Here are some important links:

And the more recent BaseCamp Live podcast :

And Covenant Eyes
Protect Young Eyes: They provide both software/apps and presentations for parents. Free videos are on the website for you now.

Remember: Only those who love the truth will not be deceived.

Carl Sommer Tells Children’s Stories — For Character Development

This is the last in our 3 part series about Carl Sommer’s character building children stories. Today a real treat: he tells us, in brief a couple of stories. Even better are the little books. And this month we have the special favor of a discount just for my listeners: 25% discount. Go to and enter the promo code “great”. Do it now or the best deals might be taken. Buy for Christmas! Buy for your church nursery! And Sunday School department! And your local favorite teacher! Yes, really, they are that good.

Also, today, a call for feedback from my listeners. What do you want more of? Character? Basic mothering? Health? For the Grandparent generation? Bible and faith? Courses? More entertaining? Religious education? How to tell what is true and what is not? Please make your needs known.

Love and BlessingS! Rev. Sharon.