Category Archives: Encouragement

Labeling is Real : Identify it and Overcome it

Thomas Scheff and David Rosenhans, among other sociologists and psychologists, have explained to us how labeling hurts people. People tend to live down to the labels they are given. Nowhere is this more true than among children who are labeled “stupid” or “bad” in school when they are young.

I explain the science just a little, give you some stories of children that I have seen, and give you a great technique that overcomes labeling.

Testimony of an English Teacher – Phonics Saves Students

I read and comment on the testimony of a high school English teacher. When he used the program Alpha Phonics for only 10 minutes a day with his students, he got a dramatic reduction in discipline problems, and a dramatic rise in retention and grades. In short, he was finally teaching students to read — students who had wanted to learn to read all of their school career. But the school, and the teachers, by policy had chosen not to teach them. To read.

Yes. Here his experience. Understand then, so very much.

Alpha Phonics appears to be a program by Samuel Blumenfeld, who, with Alex Newman wrote a book that this testimony is appended to. A review on that will be forthcoming.


Christian Book has Alpha Phonics in paper and audio form

The book *Crimes of the Educators* is widely available. Here it is in pdf.

Here is Alex Newman introduced by FACE

Here is Alex Newman’s current broadcast, episode index

The Sentinel Report by Alex Newman

Yes, You Should Hope for Academic Success

Yes! You SHOULD hope for Academic Success. God wants academic success. Yes! So, go get it.

I know so many of us are bedraggled, hurt, and discouraged. The bad is manifesting all around us. The unimaginable keeps erupting. But we were told this would happen. And we have been given promises.

So, first, in your journey toward great shalom, hear this. Hear that God wants the best for you and your child. This is the starting point. This is hope. Grab it by faith. When you do, then you will be strengthened to find the answer. The enemy makes you look at one or two things that seem hopeless. But when you do that, you don’t see the answer, the fix.

So, while I work on the episodes I promised, let’s have a happy episode. Yes! Academic success is available. Maybe not the way  you expect… but that is good, something better is in the wings. And it is academic success. God wants your child to be able to learn. Satan wants  you hopeless. That is why I want to tell you “God Wants Academic Success”  for you and for your child. Because academic success IS part of GREAT SHALOM.

Holiday Ideas to Do with Children

Since episodes on ideas of things to do with children are popular, this year again, we have one on holiday crafts. Whether you celebrate Christmas or Chanukah, we have ideas for you.

Ideas include giving, crafts, and stories. Of course, I am sure your family, like mind, gathers around to hear the story of Jesus’ birth read from the Gospel of Luke.  This year, it would be especially relevant to read or tell the story of the Maccabees. While I don’t go into that in this episode, here is the story told by Prager U kids:

Today: a number of craft ideas. Most of these were sparked by my grandchildren decorating and discovering in the process crafts their mother had done when she was little. What a wonderful time. Families are really wonderful, aren’t they?  Holidays were created by God especially to pass down the family values, that which is of value, through sharing God’s history of redemption with our children and grandchildren.

Making holiday crafts is a way to do that. It is also a way to be happy, and to exercise skills of creativity and craftsmanship that children don’t often get to use during school time. Thus, it is especially helpful for those children who have been labeled “learning disabled.” Offer a way to learn that is fun and affirming, through crafts at this wonderful godly, holiday time. Celebrate the “holy days”!