Category Archives: BIBLE

Great Rescues that Happened this Passover

In a series about the great pattern of Passover and the great rescues that we saw this season. Make use of this understanding now. Prepare for Pentecost. Then take the “promised land.” This means you, your children, your vocation/sphere of influence, city, and country. You and yours want to make a different in the world. To do so, understand the pattern of passover and don’t be a slave, resigned to whatever happens. It has been unmasked in the death angel passing over. Now learn.

The Great Rescue

Did you notice that God made a great rescue for us this Passover season? Please notice this and consider it during the time between Passover and Pentecost. It is one thing to be rescued. Another thing to take and keep the land. Don’t let your rescue go to waste.

The rest of “Call to Arms” is available in the store on the website, tab at the top labeled “store.”

Call to Parents 2

This is second in a series. The full series may be purchased. Please use this last week of confinement to rest. Much work will be yours next.

Fear versus Faith in a Time of Crisis

LOL I thought I had run enough episodes on healing and made enough remarks on covid-19, but apparently not. People are just now getting really worried. First, unconcern; then panic. Folks?
Well, it is a good time to go back to the fundamentals of faith. And of The Faith.
Today we will talk a little about having faith when one is tempted to fear.

Next week, some practical advice. Please do share this. I just now tried to put a little video on Facebook and was not able to. They just changed all the procedure, made it much more difficult, and well… looks like it doesn’t work. Facebook has consistently moved in the wrong direction. When we depend upon them, we are in trouble. So, please let me start depending upon you. Please share this with people you know. GSB may be accessed here or on any of the popular podcast platforms.