Category Archives: BIBLE

Purim & Covid-19

Fresh revelation Purim is a hidden instruction for what to do in face of a pandemic: enforce the blessing. HA!
Like a battle in middle earth, don’t give up in face of a dismal war; rather keep fighting. Pick up your sword of the word; pick up your shield of faith. Don’t sit down like a ninny. Don’t shout wave your fist, scandalized. Don’t run away like a chicken. Rather, fight like a son or daughter of a King. Because you are.

Healing of Children’s Problems

We continue in our series on Isaiah 53, unpacking the the Scripture says about healing. It applies to children, too. Notice, then, Isaiah 54 comes, also specifically mentioning children and grandchildren.

What the Bible Says About Healing — Exactly

We unpack the Hebrew of Isaiah 53. Translated into theological language, we will discover that healing is in the atonement. This is great news.

God Wants Healing for You

God wants healing for you. God did not make this world fallen. Therefore, God did not make you sick. God did not even choose to let you get sick; God only chose to let Adam and Eve have authority on this earth. And you know what happened after that. BUT –and a big but — Jesus came. Jesus died for our sins. And we are learning and growing. In the end all the enemies will be put down. The last one is death. In the meantime, we are learning more about getting healed. This is a fix to the brokeness that came in with the fall. Might be a fix to poor health habits. In any case, God would like to get this healing to you. Jesus’ suffering and death was enough. We don’t always download all the benefits of it — but let’s consider it. When we realize that God desires us to get healed, that should help.

Today, we will consider healing from the standpoint of what the Apostle Peter wrote.

This is part of a longer series. Check for this in our store.