Category Archives: Interaction with Child’s Teacher

The Secrets to Overcoming ADD & ADHD

Dr. Linda Classen, resident expert on ADD/ADHD tells us how to handle and overcoming attention problems — what are often called ADD and ADHD. She tells about the prevalence physical problems in the brain, how to deal with presenting problems as a parent or educator, and even her personal challenges. Widely respected and giving easy to understand information that is not as widely known as it should be.

What do you look for?
What can a teacher do?
How can we handle this as a challenge of education?
What do we do in terms of behavior modification?
When are drugs really what we should be considering?
How can we talk to professionals about this problem?
Is this a death knell?

Secrets to overcoming.


Dr. Classen has retired, so we do not have a link to her practice.

to hear Dr. Schnorr’s comments on drugs for ADD/ADHD when they are needed, go to here.
to find Tom Schnorr, compounding pharmacist, go to Austin Compounding Pharmacy

Here is a link to info about diagnoses of ADD/ADH today. It has been an open secret that “no single test” means that doctors take up (or should take up) a variety of reports and make a determination. In many cases, busy doctors just respond to pressure by parents to provide meds. This is unethical, but appears to be reasonable and effective. Notice: just a little caffeine would improve your grades too. The problem is that meds for ADD/ADHD are controlled substances — for a reason. Many children / youth have complications including insufficient nutrition. Sometimes these med have been sold these meds on the “black market.” Today, other drugs are in the headlines, but these are still worthy of proper attention. Some youth, particularly young men, have discovered that plenty of working out and plenty of coffee have obviated the need for meds like “speed.”


I advocate going up the protocol, starting with removing possible harmful substances like red dye, other similar agents known to cause ADD/ADHD like symptoms and any allergens.
Then, be sure that the student has great nutrition, plenty of exercise, and a calm environment in which to study. Often looking out into a green garden works better than a study carell.
Talk with wellness professionals.
Use meds only as a last resort. Do not make them the rush-to-go-to. It was this very tendency that made the legislature outlaw teachers urging the parents to get medications for children. While it has been prohibited for some time, I still hear of instances. Better to fix the problem than to medicate it. Worst is to not understand the problem and torture or be tortured by it.

Finally, by way of encouragement, let me tell you that I know some highly successful adults who credit some of their success to ADD/ADHD. Maybe. Maybe they can handle fast pace. Or maybe it is just a ploy to get aware with rushing away. Anyway — they say they are ADD/ADHD — and they do have high level positions. Be encouraged.

Tips on Homeschooling to Keep you Out of Legal Trouble

Last in our series for our new homeschoolers: basic legal tips and system navigation tips to keep you out of trouble. We have given you the steps in order. Different states will differ, but if you sign up with the organizations we tell you, you will be fine. Be sure not to be accused of truancy. This might happen if the child was enrolled in school and then doesn’t show up. This is an punishable offense, so avoid it by simple officially withdrawing the student. Secondly, be prepared for any challenge that you are abusing your child. It is a serious charge, has been abused by social workers and judges. The simple preventative is to have legal representation ahead of time, in the form of your club membership. Thirdly, do not be taken in by lies that public school officials will tell you, unintentionally or not. Further, don’t be frightened by their bullying. I give you some of my stories, since now they are old enough to avoid lawsuits or embarrassment; however, the same behavior, and worse, goes on today. Here the whole story.

Make a Sound in Schools

Pentecost is about empowerment. The Holy Spirit came in like the sound of a mighty rushing wind. We are not filled to speak the word. Make a sound. Let’s consider how we could make a sound in schools.

I think perhaps many people have discovered a lot about what is going on in school and not going on during our lockdown. Others might be alerted by the strange news of Marxist influence in riots or read the series about Marist influence in a series in the Epoch Times. I didn’t focus primarily on that, but there are many worrying trends. We need to do something about it. Even if we are homeschoolers, we are citizens. Even if we can isolate our children in Christian schools, they will live in the same world as the majority of children. Let’s consider what sounds we should be making.

Practical Tips for Stay at Home Time

Some great news. Some analysis. A few ideas for staying at home with children.

I’ve been specifically informed/asked to talk about ibuprofen for Covid-19. (Well, actually was I informed like this was vital news that we would need unless we were all going to die and I was responsible to get it out. Okay folks, you need to calm down.) So here is as far as I know, not being a doctor, just a mother. Well, generally the rule of thumb is that we are using acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever in children. For general pain for adults, Ibuprofen works. There has been some discussion about not using Ibuprofen in cases of Covid-19, but of course there has never been any studies on this. Ask your doctor. I think he or she will talk to you similarly, in similarly calm terms.

Our heart do go out to all those who are sick and all those who care for them. We especially pray for those frontline medical people who are working long hours in cities where there really is an overage of cases. We rejoice in the news about the high rate of recovery. We hope that this will be a wake-up call that will improve our systems. What satan meant for evil, God meant for good.

We pray for repentance for our nation and revival for our church. We stir ourselves up to do the important things, our God assignments. We look to your youth for great new contributions. You, mom, are a big part of that. Thanks.